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History eNews from Emerging America - February 13, 2019

Published on Wed, 02/13/2019


  • Complete this VERY quick survey on the future of the Civics and Social Studies website. (Resources tabs of the site will be moved from http://civics.collaborative.org.)  
  • From the California History and Social Science Project - thoughts on addressing 'Too Much World History?" in new standards there.
  • Massachusetts History Alliance - Postcard Image Competition (February 20 Deadline) - Submission Form
  • March 18-19 - Framingham. Northeast Regional Conference for the Social Studies (NERC) - “E Pluribus Unum: Out of Many, One” - Information and Registration

Making the new History and Social Science (HSS) Curriculum Framework Accessible

Enroll in spring sessions of the course:

Accessing Inquiry for Students with Disabilities


New Primary Source Set! Eugenics: Preoccupation with Genetic Fitness and Threats of Difference & Disability (see post, below). “Eugenicists Would Improve Human Stock by Blotting Out Blood Taints.” New-York Tribune. (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, February 18, 1912, Page 2 http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1912-02-18/ed-1/seq- 16/

How will you teach the new Massachusetts HSS standard on Eugenics? Overview and link to blog post below.

EVENTS @ EMERGING AMERICA - Info & Registration.

Contact rcairn@collaborative.org. HISTORY AND CIVICS EDUCATION COURSES APPLY NOW IN CASE OF ANOTHER GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN: Forge of Innovation: The Springfield Armory and the Genesis of American Industry, NEH Landmarks of American History and Culture Workshops for Teachers. Selected applicants receive $1,200 stipend for travel and living expenses. Apply by March 1.  Information and Registration

  • July 7-12 - Springfield, Sturbridge, Greenfield, Northampton, and Holyoke.
  • July 21-26 - - Springfield, Sturbridge, Greenfield, Northampton, and Holyoke.

Accessing Inquiry for Students with Disabilities through Primary Sources. Instructors Rich Cairn & Alison Noyes. Meets 15-hour Massachusetts requirement for high quality professional development on teaching students with disabilities and diverse learners. Grad credit available. Register.

  • Feb. 27 and March 6 - Northampton.
  • March 27 to May 7 - FULLY ONLINE!

NOW OPEN FOR REGISTRATION! World Geography and History: Designing Grades 6-7. Dive into the new standards. Grad Credit available. Register.

  • March 5 and April 4 - Hudson.

Teaching Grades K-5 Civic Engagement and Social Studies. Instructor Laurie Risler. Grad credit available. Register.

  • April 23 and May 21 - Northampton.

New: America Transformed: Teaching Westward Expansion Using Primary Sources. Instructors Michelle LeBlanc, Rich Cairn, and historian Heather Cox RIchardson

  • April 3 & April 10, 2019, 9am-3pm - Boston Public Library, Leventhal Map Center. Register with Leventhal.


Library of Congress Teacher Blog http://blogs.loc.gov/teachers/

  • A Recipe for Project-Based Learning
  • All-American News: Newsreels for African American Audiences

OTHER RECOMMENDED EVENTS - Across Massachusetts and the U.S.

  • February 19 - 3-4pm - The Immigration Learning Center: Teaching Immigration Now: Current Events in the Classroom (webinar) - Information and Registration
  • February 21 - 7pm - Historic Northampton: The Search for Lickingwater and the Making of Northampton: An Illustrated Talk by John Sinton - Information and Registration
  • February 22 - 7pm - Historic Northampton: Sleuthing and Serendipity: The “Discovered” Adventure of Two Intrepid Women Naturalists Who Inspired Congress to Preserve the White Mountains - Information and Registration
  • February 26 - 6pm - Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network: Webinar - Creating Trauma-Informed Policies: A Forum for School and Mental Health Leaders - Information and Registration
  • March 13, 20, and 27 - 7-9pm - Historic Deerfield: Chinese Export Porcelain and its Global Impact (Museum Course) - Information and Registration (fee applies)
  • March 28-30 - TPS Mars Hill, North Carolina: Colloquium on “Technological Innovation and Patents - Application and Information (Stipend for lodging and travel expenses)
  • March 29 - National Geographic Geo Challenge - Volunteers Needed
  • May 3-4 - Teaching History Conference at UCLA - Culturally Responsive Teaching in the History Classroom - Information and Registration

Summer 2019 Events:

  • Emerging America goes to Minnesota. June 25-26 at the Minnesota Historical Society - Accessing Inquiry for English Learners. Registration
  • The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History - Summer Teacher Seminars- Information and Registration
  • Begins July 7 (Online Course) - MCSS Summer Content Institute - The Underrepresented Voices of the American Revolution - Application coming soon!
  • EASC South Korea Study Tour, June 12-29, 2019. The 15 day trip will begin in the South Korean capital, Seoul, and continue on to sites of major cultural, historical, and artistic importance (including three UNESCO World Heritage Sites). The tentative itinerary includes stops in Jeonju, Gwangju, Boseong, Busan, Ulsan, Gyeongju, and Andong, where participants will engage in a variety of hands-on learning experiences. Teachers will also have the opportunity to meet and interact with Korean educators, students, and other professionals. Application and information.
  • June 17-21 - TPS Mars Hill - Summer Institute: Slave Dwellings in Rural and Urban N.C. - Application and Information
  • July 18 and 19 - Mivka Challenge: Action Civics Summer Institute - Information and Registration

Other Resources:

Emerging America Post: New Primary Source Set! Eugenics: Preoccupation with Genetic Fitness and Threats of Difference & Disability The pseudo-scientific mix of social Darwinist philosophy and animal breeding management theory that was termed “Eugenics” is a US history topic in the Massachusetts standards (US II) that has rich primary sources. The newly available Eugenics primary source set includes newspaper articles, photographs, cartoons, notes on legal cases, a video interview with a man sterilized without consent when he was a boy, a radio report on non-consensual sterilizations of women as recently as 2017, a letter from former president T. Roosevelt, and other documentation, providing a rich resource of teaching materials. The brief introduction sketches the context in which the Eugenics movement arose, and also provides links to secondary sources and lesson plan examples. ********************************** EmergingAmerica.org History eNews welcomes YOUR news & events. Published Wednesdays; deadline Sunday noon. Archived at http://EmergingAmerica.org/blog. - Reply to rcairn@collaborative.org to be removed from this list. Register for CES events. Teacher-created lessons, primary source sets, & assessments at: http://EmergingAmerica.org. Follow Emerging America on Twitter and Facebook.  


Karen Albano

former History eNews Editor, Emerging America
Karen Albano worked with Emerging America from 2015-2020, contributing to many facets of the program including developing curriculum, improving the accessibility of the website to educators, overseeing social media outreach, and editing the History eNews.