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Grades 9-12: Disability in the Progressive Era

A photo of a group of older men wearing suits and top hats outside of the White House. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. stands in the center of the group, his trademark large white mustache is visible.
William H. Taft, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. at White House. (c1922). Photo by Harris & Ewing. Library of Congress.

Grades 9-12 Unit Overview: Disability in the Progressive Era

The Unit Overview will feature a grid of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) strategies and tools employed, standards, and a list of the many primary sources used in the unit with thumbnails for each. (Lists of primary sources in lesson plans include hyperlinks to sources as readable text. Lesson plans detail the UDL strategies and tools that they use.) The Unit Overview will also list all secondary sources and background materials for teachers used in the unit. Link to the Grades 9-12 Progressive Era Unit Overview

The grade 4-5 unit lesson 2 on immigration policy provides primary sources and guiding questions that can provide solid support to expand this topic. Unit resources support optional research projects. 

Grades 6-12 - Intro Lesson: Introduction to Disability History 

Introductory lesson slides call students to use words about disability with respect. The slides also include a definition of disability and feature pictures from the Library of Congress that show tools for access. Students generate questions. 

Grades 9-12 - Lesson 1: The Dehumanizing Effects of Eugenics 

Students examine terrible events in U.S. history–forced sterilization of people with disabilities under the laws of the eugenics movement–in part to examine how values change. Primary sources include challenges to eugenics from the 1930s as well as 21st century efforts to come to terms with its impacts. The lesson pays particular attention to establishing a safe space for all to study this difficult topic. Lesson 1 slides present a coherent narrative and analysis of eugenics, including its effects and responses to it.

Grades 9-10 - Lesson 2: Immigration: Who Is In? And Who Is Out? 

This lesson starts with a core lesson that works well for grades 4-5 as students consider the impacts of anti-immigration legislation and the screening system at Ellis Island. Several extensions allow students to explore exclusion in depth, including the medical systems used, and the experiences of immigrants. Lesson 2 slides illustrate key ideas in the primary and secondary sources. 

Cover of unit overview document on Disability in the Progressive Era, includes image of a poster, "Stop Forced Sterilization" for a rally in San Francisco.
Grades 9-12 Unit Overview: Disability in the Progressive Era
Link to a google doc of the grades 9-12 Progressive Era Unit Overview. 
A photograph of President George H.W. Bush signing the Americans with Disabilities Act into law. He is seated at a table outside, there is a fountain in the background. Four other people surround the table, three men and one woman, two men are using wheelchairs. Justin Dart sits to the president's left, wearing his trademark cowboy hat, a suit, and a button that supports the ADA on his lapel.
Grades 6-12 Lesson: Introduction to Disability History

Link to a google doc of the grades 6-12 lesson: Introduction to Disability History. 

Includes slides. 

A poster for a rally says, Stop Forced Sterilization, and shows four women of color, two with fists raised.
Grades 9-12 Lesson 1: The Dehumanizing Effects of Eugenics

Link to a google doc of lesson 1 for the grades 9-12 Progressive Era unit.  

Includes slides. 

A large hall in Ellis Island Immigration center. Chain linked fence walls divide different lines of immigrants. Two women with a baby sit to the left of the lines on a bench. Two uniformed inspectors stand at the front of the lines, and one uses tools to inspect the eyes of the line of immigrants. Men, women, and children stand in a line with papers pinned to their clothes indicating their immigration information.
Grades 9-12: Immigration: Who Is In and Who Is Out?

Link to a google doc of lesson 2 for the grades 9-12 Progressive Era unit.  

Includes slides. 

Upcoming Workshops

The Multilingual Learner Collaborations project of the Massachusetts Council for the Social studies is presenting in the Immigrant Learning Center public educat…
Keene State College (KSC) received a Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) project grant in October, 2024. Link to the project announcement.