Select a workshop below for further information. For workshops open for registration see current workshops.
All workshops are currently offered ONLINE with a combination of live webinars and off-line material.

Approaches for struggling learners that increase access and motivation for all students.

Dual-language-learner-friendly methods using immigrant history to engage English Learners.

How can students with disabilities fully participate in student-led civic engagement projects?

Explore the remarkable story of reform, endurance, and empowerment. Sample the inclusive Reform to Equal Rights: K-12 Disability History Curriculum.

Plan effective student-led civic engagement projects, grounded in the powerful Massachusetts Civics Project Guide.

Historical thinking, inquiry based teaching, and compelling historical questions for K-5 classrooms.

What is fascism? Before World War II, idealistic Americans fought in Spain against General Franco's fascist rebels. WWII to today.