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History eNews from Emerging America - September 16, 2020

Published on Wed, 09/16/2020

September 23-24 Massachusetts DESE Virtual Civic Engagement Conference. Emerging America workshop on students with disabilities and civic engagement Sept. 24 - 6:30pm. NERC online - October 4-14 The Library of Congress updated its Teacher's Page: www.loc.gov/programs/teachers. Watch recorded intro webinar. History's Mysteries K-5 Curriculum - investigate migration, citizenship, the First Amendment, slavery, calls for justice, and more. Free. http://emergingamerica.org/historys-mysteries Complete Mass Council for the Social Studies survey on the impacts of the pandemic on the Social Studies. https://www.masscouncil.org/?page_id=7324 Discovering Justice seeks middle school Mock Trial teams! Complete this quick survey by Monday Sept 21st. Next issue of the History eNews is September 30. Submit events & resources to rcairn@collaborative.org by September 27.

History eNews from Emerging America - July 29, 2020

Published on Wed, 07/29/2020

Emerging America FALL COURSES now open for registration! Leadership for Remote Learning by Rebecca Mazur, CES, and Rebecca Woodland, UMass Amherst - identifies ways to meet five needs of teachers in the shifting school planning environment.  2020 Immigrant Student Success Toolkit offers links to social studies teaching resources with tips for remote learning strategies to support immigrant learners. How Students Benefit from a School Reopening Plan Designed for Those at the Margins - UCal Berkeley Design Challenge reimagines classrooms.  The Springfield Armory National Historic Site Online FB exhibit - July 27th to August 26th - The Art of Equality: Celebrating the Leadership of Women Workers in Springfield NCSS introduces New Website.  New NCSS president, Stefanie Wager makes a case for the Social Studies as central and essential to current struggles for social justice. 

History eNews from Emerging America - May 20, 2020

Published on Wed, 05/20/2020

Teaching Tolerance: Affirming Black Lives Without Inducing Trauma  Constitutional Rights Foundation - Civic Action Project and Empower the People Library of Congress Webinars - Wednesdays - 2-3pm Eastern Time. Register with Library of Congress. Join Emerging America on June 3!  No History eNews May 27. Next issue is June 3. Submit material by May 31.
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