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Teaching Resources

Welcome to the Emerging America resource library. Browse our ever-growing collection of primary source sets, lesson plans, classroom assessments, and more, developed by teachers and edited for quality and consistency. Use the controls in the blue box to search and filter by Type, Subject, Time Period, and Grade Level. NOTE: Use the website search engine (above) to find resources–such as apps and curriculum from other organizations–that appear only in the blog.
A photograph of a group of children in front of a large American flag. The children are dressed in early 20th century clothing and have their hands up in the middle of signing the national anthem.
The Reform to Equal Rights: K-12 Disability History Curriculum includes 250 primary sources in 23 lessons in seven units. Inclusive lessons feature Universal Design for Learning strategies and exemplary assessments. Lesson content facilitates integration into many regular K-12 topics. Skill and language development addresses C-3 History and Social Science frameworks as well as Educating for…
a round metal pan with a curved lid with many round holes and wooden handle

In this lesson sequence, students will explore primary source documents to learn more about what daily life was like in Colonial Massachusetts. Students…

Newspaper advertisement from 1767 with woodcut of sailing ship advertising goods for sale

Explore primary sources to learn about daily life in Colonial Massachusetts.

Students will practice with posing questions about primary source documents and then analyzing the resources to learn more about life in Colonial Massachusetts. Students will summarize their learning in the final lesson.

What was everyday life like for people who lived near the ocean in Massachusetts…

Painting of Black man standing with crutches, wearing faded Civil War uniform, hand raised in salute, with one leg amputated at the knee.

In this multi-day elementary-level civics lesson written by Eileen Gloster, students view images and consider stories of people whose lives…

Mural with overlapping images of faces, hands holding things, silhouettes of people walking, and more.

In this lesson on the experiences and contributions of immigrants to the United States, elementary students explore the reasons why people have made life changes in moving to a new country, both earlier in history and recently. Using primary sources spanning 100 years, students generate questions and look for answers. Students also interview adults in their lives or at school about their own…