Thu, 03/07/2024
Inclusion at the 2024 National Council for History Education Conference
March 7-9, 2024 - Cleveland - Register
- Breakout session:
- Friday 10-10:50am - Rm Veterans C - Teaching Stories of Disability History: Teachers, Veterans, and Citizens - Rich Cairn, Emerging America
- Posters:
- Friday 9:30-10:15am - Challenging Primary Sources and Inclusive Teaching: Lessons from Dialogue between History and ESL Teachers - Alison Noyes, Massachusetts Council for the Social Studies, and Emerging America
- Saturday 9:30-10:15am - Reform to Equal Rights: Integrate Disability History into History Class - 1776-2024 - Rich Cairn, Emerging America
All are welcome to an informal conversation of the Teaching Disability History Interest Group, at the conference Saturday 12:30-1:45. Share updates of state and national efforts. What are you doing? What would you like to do?
We will gather on Cleveland Hilton Downtown 5th floor by the escalators outside Superior A after the keynote. (Near conference registration area.) We may migrate to somewhere we can talk. Bring your lunch if you like. (You might try the Noshery off the 1st floor lobby.) Look for Rich Cairn.
Email me if you think you might join us or have questions: rcairn@collaborative.org.
Watch for updates to this page!