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Asynchronous Workshops

teacher Kelley Brown screencasting to students
teacher Kelley Brown screencasting to students


Emerging America is introducing asynchronous programs that educators can complete on their own time. Briefer than the graduate credit-bearing courses offered on our Workshops page, these 4-week workshops are planned to be completed in 6 hours. 

Strategies for Teaching Inquiry with English Learners through Primary Sources

English Learners 4-Week Workshop

Strategies for Teaching Inquiry with Students with Disabilities through Primary Sources

[link coming later]





Upcoming Workshops

The Multilingual Learner Collaborations project of the Massachusetts Council for the Social studies is presenting in the Immigrant Learning Center public educat…
Keene State College (KSC) received a Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) project grant in October, 2024. Link to the project announcement.