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Emerging America at the 2023 NCSS Conference - Nashville

102nd NCSS Annual Conference, December 1-3, 2023, Nashville, TN. Artworks shows a fiddle.
Fri, 12/01/2023

National Council for the Social Studies Conference - December 1-3, 2023 - Nashville

Mark your calendars!

Info on NCSS Conference

Join thousands of colleagues from across the U.S. at this powerful and engaging event. Hundreds of workshops and posters. An outstanding line-up of speakers and resources.

Emerging America Workshops on Inclusion

Elevate Voices of Disabled Advocates through Primary Sources & Inquiry

  • Rich Cairn, Emerging America
  • Explore stories of innovation and determination by disabled teachers, veterans, workers, writers, organizers, and students from the first school for the Deaf in 1817 to the 1990 ADA and beyond. Free K-12 curriculum features 200+ primary sources, UDL strategies and tools for access, and inclusive civic engagement projects. 
  • Friday, December 1 - 1:20-1:50pm - 109 - Workshop: Elevate Voices of Disabled Advocates through Primary Sources


Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Posters

  • Friday, December 1 - 10:00-11:30am - Exhibit Hall A - TPS Poster Session: Disability History is Essential History


What do ESL teachers wish you knew?

  • Alison Noyes, English Learner Collaborations: Extending the Reach of Primary Sources through the Massachusetts Council on the Social Studies
    • Saturday, December 2 - 8:15-8:45am - 107A 
    • Workshop description: With turnover and staffing shortages, social studies teachers may not currently have a relationship with an English Language Development specialist in their schools. Gain collaborative insights from a yearlong PLC connecting ESL and Social Studies teachers. Teachers who attend will share stories of trial and error, and come away with 7 rules of thumb they can apply to their teaching. 



Upcoming Workshops

November 16 - Collaborative for Educational Services - Northampton, Massachusetts Few books about the Civil Rights Movement focus on examples from outside the…
Network with thousands of dynamic educators from across the country for the 104th annual conference of the National Council for the Social Studies, including th…