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Teaching the History's Mysteries K-5 Curriculum - Workshop

Elementary students in a classroom
Wed, 04/14/2021

Register Here 

Are you looking for K-5 History curriculum that meets content and skill standards, engages students in inquiry, and fits well in your classroom? Try Emerging America's new K-5 "click and play" historical investigations. Curriculum is adaptable for remote instruction. 

Find a list of units, teacher reviews, and other details on our History's Mysteries program page.  

Register for this exciting fully-online introduction to the new curriculum, History's Mysteries. Program creators, veteran educators Laurie Risler and Kelley Brown, will lead K-5 teachers through  History's Mysteries units, specific for grade level, each containing three or more lessons and fully addressing a topic in the new Massachusetts standards for that grade. 


Teachers, Grade K-5; Elementary curriculum leaders. 

Cost and Registration

This training is $50 ($40 for Collaborative members). Training cost is reduced thanks to support from the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources program. 


Spring 2021

Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 7:00pm - 8:15pm (Eastern Standard Time) webinar will provide introduction to History's Mysteries 

Registration Deadline: April 7

An additional webinar will be held on June 14, 7pm -8:15pm that allows you to share your experience with the curriculum authors and with other teachers. The second session is intended for participants who teach a History's Mysteries unit following the introduction. Those who teach a unit after attending the introductory workshop and who complete the required reflective activities will be eligible for 10 PDPs, as described below.


Laurie Risler & Kelley Brown

Professional Development documentation (PDPs or letter of completion)

All participants will have the option to participate in an additional spring webinar on June 14. To receive Massachusetts PDPs (Professional Development Points), participants must add at least four discussion posts in the History’s Mysteries TPS Teachers Network group, each post about a different mystery and how participants adapted it to fit in their classrooms. Those who complete all requirements will receive 10 PDPs (Massachusetts) or a letter documenting 10 hours of participation.