Spring 2023 session cancelled.
Register Here
The Emerging America resources at the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) offer all learners - including Multilingual Learners - the best of inquiry-based instruction in social studies and humanities, using primary sources. Alison Noyes will guide teachers through effective strategies tested in classrooms with English Learners. The course builds on work by history and humanities educators, historians, experts in teaching academic English, and on research and classroom practices that support ALL learners.
This course will feature exemplars of best practice based on the history of immigration and of foreign language communities in the U.S., using primary sources and analysis tools.
Audience and Grade Level
Teachers in History, Social Studies, English Language Arts and the Humanities as well as Teachers of English as a Second Language. Also Librarians, Special Education Teachers, and other Specialists; Grades 4-12.
Course Expectations
The online course will run 2.5 hours per week plus some additional reading. Participants may complete work at a convenient time of day for them. There will be one synchronous webinar. Each week will include a mix of readings, online activities, and asychronous video recordings. Each week, participants will write responses to prompts in a class forum, and reply to classmates’ posts in the second half of the week. Over the six weeks, participants will each find and create a text set of primary sources and write a lesson plan that employs techniques of access for English Learners.
Please note: This is a graduate-level course. (Syllabus from past/upcoming offering of the course). All participants will be required to prepare for the start of the training by setting up access to course resources in Google Docs and Canvas, and posting to introduce themselves in the TPS Teachers Network. More about this assignment will be emailed after registration is complete.
Massachusetts teachers receive 22.5 PDPs upon completion of the course and assignments (as per DESE regulations awarding time-and-a-half for graduate-level professional development). CES will send others a letter of participation for 15 hours.
Participants may choose instead to take this course for 1 graduate credit in partnership with Westfield State University. Graduate Credit from Westfield State University costs $150. Registration forms for Graduate Credit will be provided to all registrants when the course begins; payment for graduate credit is collected by WSU.
“Accessing Inquiry” courses meet Massachusetts teacher license renewal requirements for 15-hours of professional development on teaching students with disabilities and students with diverse learning styles or for 15-hours professional development on teaching English Learners. Link to renewal regulations.
Dates - Spring 2023 Session Cancelled
Friday, March 3 - Friday, April 14
Webinar, Wednesday, March 8, 4p - 5:15p Eastern Standard Time
Registration Deadline: February 24
The cost of the course is $85 for CES member districts and $100 for all others thanks to a mini-grant from the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Eastern Region.