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Date: Nov 29 2016
SUBJECT: History eNews from Emerging America - NOVEMBER 28, 2016 Emerging America History eNEWS Vol. 3, Issue 34 for November 28, 2016 NEWS Surveys still open! State survey on developing new Mass History and Social Studies Frameworks. Panel convenes January 19. Draft of new ELA standards to be released 11/29. Add to state survey on Civic Engagement and Learning recommendations. Students can…
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Date: Nov 27 2016
[caption id="attachment_9933" align="alignright" width="300"] Front page of the New York’ newspaper The Sun. Features pictures of the Vesper Club gangmen with bylines touting their complete rehabilitation into society.[/caption] Students are often intrigued by individuals who question authority and seek change. The following three sub-sets of sources support the case that reformers who desired ch…
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Date: Nov 20 2016
[caption id="attachment_9925" align="alignright" width="300"] Buildings of the Great Central Fair, in aid of the U.S. Sanitary Commission, Logan Square, Philadelphia, June 1864[/caption] Created with an emphasis on Disability History, the following lesson plan from Emerging America explores primary source images and documents related to Civil War wounded. Students will learn about the great numbe…
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Date: Nov 16 2016
Emerging America History eNEWS Vol. 3, Issue 33 for November 16, 2016 NEWS THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO GIVE INPUT ON VITAL NEW STATE POLICIES: State survey on the new Mass History and Social Studies Frameworks. Panel convenes in January. For more info on the standards process. Also state survey on Civil Engagement and Learning recommendations.
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Date: Nov 13 2016
[caption id="attachment_9910" align="alignright" width="237"] Reply to the Bonnie Blue Flag, the unofficial banner of the Confederate States of America.[/caption] The Emerging America program at the Educational Collaborative in collaboration with the Library of Congress and Special Education in Institutional Settings (SEIS) is pleased to announce a new primary source set on the Civil War and Reco…
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Date: Nov 1 2016

Emerging America History eNEWS Vol. 3, Issue 32 for November 2, 2016


YOUR INPUT NEEDED by State survey on Civic Learning and Engagement.

Mark your calendars: ESE 2nd Annual Conference on Civic Learning & Engagement - May 8, 2017 - EM Kennedy Institute in Boston.

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Date: Nov 6 2016
[caption id="attachment_9875" align="alignright" width="218"] Miss [Lucy] Burns in Occoquan Workhouse, Washington.[/caption]In an age of mass incarceration, tracing the origins and history of detainment is a meaningful exercise in understanding the current situation of imprisonment in the United States. Drawing on items such as images, maps, political cartoons, and reports available from the digit…
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