Week 3: Strategies for English Learners (and many other students) (60 minutes plus browsing time)
This week you will familiarize yourself with a variety of practical strategies and tools for teaching English Learners. You will identify Bricks and Mortar words for your primary source activity. You will browse several accessibility strategies, and choose the ones that will best strengthen your primary source activity.
- Check in (the link is in Week 3 in the Unique Links for your workshop)
- Log in to the TPS Teachers Network and read the Week 2 posts of your peers (replies are encouraged but not required)
- Instructor Introduction (1:32 min:sec); Transcript.
- Bricks and Mortar. Colorín Colorado. Cynthia Lundgren, Hamline U. (3:09).
- ¡Colorín Colorado! Teaching academic vocabulary. Nancy Cloud. (1:47).
- High-Mileage Vocabulary; ¡Colorín Colorado! links on academic language
- ¡Colorín Colorado! Chapter walk with me! (7:30)
- Companion article. Teaching ELLs to Navigate Textbooks Effectively.
- ¡Colorín Colorado! Reading non-fiction text with high school ELLs. Carrie Bowinger. (7:45).
- OPTIONAL: Question Formulation Technique (linked page includes video)
- QFT in Action. (8:48). Companion written explanation: QFT in one slide http://www.emergingamerica.org/teaching-resources/question-formulation-technique
- Carey, S. Reframing English Language Development TeachingHistory.org. (teaching vocabulary for historical thinking)
- Sentence Stems. the teacher toolkit - Texas Region 13. http://www.theteachertoolkit.com/index.php/tool/sentence-stems (video 2:03) plus 1-p instructions.
- Examine EmergingAmerica.org:
- Explore Accessing Inquiry:
- Know & Support Students - scroll down page for tools
- Free tools to make text more accessible
- Supports for English Learners (scroll to end of page)
- Inquiry Strategies
- Engagement Strategies
- Know & Support Students - scroll down page for tools
- Browse “Teaching Strategies” in the Teaching Resources library. Below are just two examples from a list of 24
- Explore Accessing Inquiry:
Optional Further reading:
- (Secondary) de Oliveira, Luciana C. . (2016). Examining Cause and Effect in Historical Texts: An Integration of Language and Content.
- (Elementary) Capitelli, Alvarez, & Valdés: excerpt from "An Integrated Perspective on the Dimensions of School Communication," (5th Grade Example) in de Oliveira (Keep It or Junk It.)
- (Secondary) Neuman, D. (Winter 2013/14). English Language Learners, Abstract Language, and Teaching About the Cold War. In Teaching English Learners. Source. CHSSP. Pages 5-10.