Week 1: Plan Instruction to Support English Learners (75 mins)
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- Teaching English Learners Social Studies
- A Day in the Life. (12:41). Watch the first three minutes. (2:58).
- Instructor Welcome (1:12) Transcript
- CAST.org UDL at a glance (4:36). (OPTIONAL)
- ¡Colorín Colorado! Differentiating Assignments in a Social Studies Lesson. (0:51). (This and other resources are gathered here (Reading #5)
- ¡Colorín Colorado! Background Knowledge. View short videos at bottom of page.
- Observe classroom: EL Education. Scaffolding Literacy Instruction for English Language Learners. (9:19). Identify at least three strategies the teacher uses to support ELs
- Posey, Allison (CAST, Inc).”How to break down barriers to learning with UDL.” Understood.org.
- Novak, K (2018). "Why UDL Matters for English Language Learners." Language Magazine, March 9, 2018
- Cairn, Rich (2019). “Why Teach Immigrant History?” EmergingAmerica.org, 12/16/2019
- (Reference) list of teaching strategies prepared by Ness, Moore, and Ableser, Center for Teaching and Learning, Oakland University.
- (Reference) ¡Colorín Colorado! Social Studies Instruction for ELLs.
Activities: Complete Check-In form (the link is in Week 1 in the Unique Links for your workshop)
TPS Teachers Network: Comments on peer introductions are welcome! (Catch up now and Introduce yourself if you missed it in the Preparation step.)
Further Reading:
- Colorín Colorado! - Distance Learning for ELLs - https://www.colorincolorado.org/guide/distance-learning-ell
- Serving ELL Students and Families. Teaching Tolerance. https://www.tolerance.org/magazine/publications/serving-ell-students-and-families
- Noyes, Alison and Cairn, Rich. Immigrant History through Primary Sources,
Unique Links for Your Workshop