Strategies for Teaching Inquiry with English Learners through Primary Sources:
Gain strategies and tools for teaching English Learners
in History and Social Science and the Humanities
Asynchronous Workshop format
In order to gain the benefits of interaction with a cohort of peers, there are due dates each week. On the left side of the page is a reminder of the dates for each of the four weeks of your workshop. Participants may complete assignments any time in that week.
Instructors and Contact Information
Rich Cairn, Director, Emerging America
Alison Noyes, Assistant Director, Emerging America
Video Welcome and Overview (2:15). Transcript of video
Workshop Preparation
- Register for TPS Teachers Network, create profile, and join Teaching English Language Learners Group.
- OPTIONAL: TPS Teachers Network descriptive video. (3:07). New User Registration Steps
- Workshop Project: Access the Accessible Activity Template for YOUR workshop in the workshop folder for your group. Make a Google Doc copy and rename the Doc starting with your surname.
- Post to TPS Teachers Network (the link is in Preparation in the Unique Links for your workshop): (You can do this as a video/audio/image upload if you prefer -- talk to us if you are more comfortable with an alternate format for sharing.)
- Introduction: Your name, where you teach, what you teach. Describe the English learners in your class and school.
- What are you hoping to learn?
Workshop Plan of Study - Teaching English Learners
Learning Objectives:
- Identify and utilize multiple strategies and tools, including Universal Design for Learning, document analysis, and focused vocabulary instruction, to support English Learners to engage with history, social studies, and humanities concepts and sources.
- Apply classroom strategies for English Learners to understand and use complex informational texts, including primary sources.
- Navigate the Library of Congress online resources, including finding and fully annotating a text set featuring primary sources.
- Demonstrate familiarity with teaching strategies to support inquiry and historical thinking as represented in state and national standards for Social Studies and literacy.
- Apply inquiry-based approaches to a key topic of history content in a classroom activity.
Summary of Weeks
- Access Google Doc template, TPS Teachers Network
- Introductory post in TPS Teachers Network
Week 1: Plan Instruction to Support English Learners
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- Teaching English Learners Social Studies
Week 2: Find and Choose Primary Sources for English Learners
- Text Sets; Finding Primary Sources
- Post to TPS Teachers Network
- OPTIONAL: Immigration Timeline
Week 3: Classroom Strategies to Support English Learners with Primary Sources
- Complex Texts
- Teaching Vocabulary
- Inquiry Strategies
- Add to List of Primary Sources; Secondary Sources and/or Literature
Week 4: Week 4: Design Primary Source Activity for Accessibility
- Additional Tools for Access
- Design and Complete Accessible Activity
- Complete List of Primary Sources
- Identify Secondary Sources and/or Literature
- Write Accessible Activity description
- Choose Key Vocabulary
- Complete UDL Chart
- Finalize/upload Accessible Activity in Google folder (surname first in file name)
- Complete Workshop Evaluation
Workshop = 6 hours total
Unique Links for Your Workshop