Emerging America History eNews is now: Inclusive History News
Committed to Access and Inclusion of All Learners in Civics, History and Social Studies
Created in response to teacher requests in 2013, the History eNews emailed monthly short descriptions and links of quality history and social studies events and resources. Now to make news more current and to ease production, items will appear on an Emerging America blog page from the first of each month, with a monthly Constant Contact email notice to our 3,000+ subscribers. Sign up free at the bottom of the page.
In this Issue:
- News of the Field
- Disability History News & Resources
- Events @ Emerging America
- Other Professional Development Events
- New Teaching Resources
- New at the Library of Congress
News of the Field
- September Emerging America blog post: 5 Ways to Teach Disability History in Social Studies Class - Kara Newhouse - KQED - Mind/Shift.
- Gladiator rebellions and bread strikes: ancient Rome’s labor unions revealed - The Guardian.
- Prioritizing Students with Disabilities in AI Policy - Educating All Learners.
Disability History News & Resources
- Hidden Voices: Americans with Disabilities in United States History - Free curriculum from the New York City Public Schools. (Note: large digital files.)
- September 11-12 - Pittsburgh workshop - The History of Human Services: Tracing the Development of Contemporary Services Patterns, & Some Universal Lessons Learned from this History - Western Pennsylvania Disability History - Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council.
- September 19 - 4-5pm Eastern - virtual meeting: Teaching Disability History Interest Group - email rcairn @ collaborative.org to sign up.
- October 1 - University of Georgia Athens - Home Grown, World Class: Georgia's Contributions to the Movement - Georgia Disability History Alliance.
- October 11-12 - at the University of Chicago - Conference: The Global Cochlear Implant - Center for Disability Studies, New York University.
- November 22-24 - conference at Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts - Reframing the Gaze: Maria Theresia Paradis, Blind Musicians, and Musical Culture in the Decades before Braille. For info contact: paradissymposium@gmail.com.
- Infinite Flow Dance - Academy Museum of Motion Pictures - video.
Events @ Emerging America
Info on Emerging America professional development events: upcoming presentations, past recordings and more.
October 10 - 3:30-5:00pm Eastern - online CES Social Studies PLC - Register.
- Facilitated by veteran teacher-leader Peter Vamosy. Optional PDPs.
October 21 - 8am-3:30pm at The Vogel in Red Bank New Jersey. - Making History Visible: Creative and Dynamic Learning with LGBTQAI+ and Disabilities Histories - Register.
- Full-day professional workshop sponsored by: NJEA Consortium, Count Basie Center for the Arts, Make it Better for Youth, Emerging America and others.
Detroit, 1942. A. Siegel. Library of Congress. November 21 - CES - Northampton, Massachusetts Teaching about Jim Crow and the Civil Rights Movement Outside the South
Alice Levine (See blog post.) - Explore how we can bring stories about segregation and civil rights struggles that occurred in the North, West and Midwest into our teaching. We will share examples and discuss ideas while browsing books and materials for use with students this school year. Register.
November 22-24 - Boston - 2024 Conference of the National Council for the Social Studies - Watch our NCSS page for details.
- Emerging America and Easterseals Massachusetts: #TeachDisabilityHistory - How to integrate voices of people with disabilities into the curriculum.
- Emerging America and Mass Council for the Social Studies: Scaffolding for Multilingual Learners on the Document Based Question Essay.
Other Professional Development Events
Free, flexible civics professional learning from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Civics Pathways. Created by Harvard's Project Zero in collaboration with iCivics and Emerging America. Interactive Virtual Workshops begin on September 26: student-led civics project, managing difficult conversations, and supporting English Learners with student-led civics projects. Self-Guided Online Modules open on November 12: conducting research, connecting with stakeholders and decision-makers, and reaching a wider audience. Info and registration. (Now open to teachers from any state; small registration fee from outside Massachusetts.)
- September 17 - 7pm Eastern - free online panel - Teacher to Teacher: Tips for Teaching Election 2024 - PBS Learning Media & KQED.
- September 17-24 - virtual National Youth Summit: Elections & Politics - Smithsonian's National Museum of American History.
- September 24 - UMass Amherst - kickoff of the 2024-2025 Feinberg Lecture Series. This year's theme is: What Are Universities For? Struggles for the Soul of Higher Education.
- September 25 - 4pm Eastern - webinar Sovereign Printscapes: Why Indigenous Newspapers Matter - Library of Congress.
- September 28 - free virtual symposium - In Pursuit of Equity - National Council for History Education & National Council for the Social Studies.
- September 28 - November 6 - online course: Fundamentals of Primary Source Instruction - TPS Midwest Region.
- November 5 - 8:30am Eastern - Rutgers University - Teaching Controversial Issues and Media Literacy - New Jersey Center for Civic Education.
New Teaching Resources
- Empowering Communities with Local History - Minnesota Historical Society.
- New book: Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Relevant Social Studies for Emergent Bilingual and Multilingual Youth - Ashley Taylor Jaffee & Cintia Salina, Eds. Teachers College Press.
- Read. Inquire. Write. Disciplinary literacy tools especially for multilingual learners. - University of Michigan.
- 40 new primary source inquiries - Remedial Herstory Project.
New at the Library of Congress
- New primary source set: Reconstruction.
- Teaching with Primary Sources Teachers Network (Registration required for this free network.)
About Emerging America's Inclusive History News
We welcome your news & events!
- Published monthly on the first of the month, updated continuously through the month.
- Submit items any time to rcairn @ collaborative.org.
- Archived at: http://EmergingAmerica.org/blog.
- Register for CES events: https://www.collaborative.org/professional-development/events/.
- Teacher-created lessons, primary source sets, assessments, & teaching strategies at: http://EmergingAmerica.org.
- Follow Emerging America on LinkedIn and Facebook.
- Email rcairn @ collaborative.org to be removed from this list.
- Content created and featured in partnership with the Teaching with Primary Sources program does not indicate an endorsement by the Library of Congress.