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Primary and Secondary Sources on Disabled Civil War Veterans

The online exhibit, How Civil War Veterans Transformed Disability, uses nearly 100 primary sources from a variety of collections, with a focus on the Library of Congress and the Massachusetts Historical Society. The exhibit also references nearly 50 secondary sources.

All sources are cited–with thumbnail images and fully spelled out URLs–on pages 6-15 of the unit plan from the Reform to Equal Rights: K-12 Disability History Curriculum. Link to the Grades 8-10: How Civil War Veterans Transformed Disability unit plan. Find photos, drawings, government documents and reports, letters, maps, political cartoons, posters, sheet music, speeches, artifacts, recordings, and oral histories. 

Blind and visually impaired users can also find text-based links to the primary and secondary sources in each of the six lesson plans for unit

We are especially grateful to Mass Humanities, historian Graham Warder, UMass Amherst Public History graduate student Emma Lewis, and the Massachusetts Historical Society for their help with research and organizing this body of sources. See the Acknowledgements page of this exhibit for further information on source collections. 

Screen shot of the Civil War veterans unit plan from the Reform to Equal Rights curriculum.
Unit Overview and Source List for How Civil War Veterans Transformed Disability Exhibit
The google doc of the unit overview lists 100 primary and 50 secondary sources, on pages 6-15. 
A picture of a sprawling campus fo the National Soldiers Home shows residences, workshops, fields, and woods.
How Civil War Veterans Transformed Disability Lesson Plans
Six lessons for grades 8-10 examine impacts of the war on nurses, disabled veterans and society, including creation of institutions serving veterans. 

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