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A sign in a shop window reads, "We want white tenants in our white community". There are U.S. flags taped to the sign.
Date: Oct 7 2024

By Alice Levine

Many teachers share books and videos with their students about Civil Rights, especially near MLK’s birthday in January and during Black History Month in February or as part of units of study in ELA or Social Studies.

Since I grew up during a school desegregation struggle in New Jersey during the 1960’s, I began to wonder whether students are still learning about…

Cover of Living with Disabilities in New England, 1630-1930 - with an 1870s tintype photo of a woman with her three young girls, all formally dressed.
Date: Oct 2 2024
Infusing Disability History into the Classroom By Rich Cairn & Graham Warder In Living with Disabilities in New England, 1630-1930 Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife 2021 Annual Proceedings. Released August, 2024. Edited by Nicole Belolan and Marla Miller.  Buy this illuminating book online from Historic Deerfield or at the Historic Deerfield Museum!   

The Dublin series focuses…

A lithograph of Camp Brightwood in Washington shows the entire 10th Massachusetts Regiment on parade. The unit's tents surround the field. In the corner sits the soldier-artist on a camp stool with a large pad in his lap.
Date: Oct 2 2024
Inclusive History News In this Issue: October Featured Blog Posts:

Infusing Disability History into the Classroom by Rich Cairn & Graham Warder

Do you and your students know about the erased history of Jim Crow and Civil Rights Outside the South? 


News of the Field 

Disability History News & Resources Events @ Emerging America  Other Pro…
A stack of old photos and forms, including a marriage license, are spread across a table.
Date: Aug 30 2024
Emerging America History eNews is now: Inclusive History News Committed to Access and Inclusion of All Learners in Civics, History and Social Studies 

Created in response to teacher requests in 2013, the History eNews emailed monthly short descriptions and links of quality history and social studies events and resources. Now to make news more current and to ease production, items will appea…

Old photographs and forms, including a marriage certificate are piled on a desk top.
Date: Aug 21 2024
5 Ways to Teach Disability History in Social Studies Class Kara Newhouse - KQED - Mind/Shift

In this insightful article, Newhouse explores practical approaches and resources to integrating disability history into teaching about:

The U.S. Civil War Immigration Eugenics in the Progressive Era Civics Education History

She interviews teachers who have taught lessons from the Reform to…

Emerging America logo against vista of sky, river, distant mountains.
Date: Jul 18 2024
Book cover: Creating an Inclusive Social Studies Classroom for Exceptional Learners - edited by Darren Minarik and Timothy Lintner
Date: Jul 7 2024

Leah M. Bueso, University of Illinois Springfield, and Rich Cairn, Emerging America published a groundbreaking foundation and guide to organizing student-led civic engagement projects that are fully accessible to and inclusive of students with disabilities and all learners. The chapter entitled Developing the Civic Engagement of Students with Disabilities: Inclusive Civic Action Projects examin…

Emerging America logo against vista of sky, river, distant mountains.
Date: Jun 20 2024
A middle-aged man with a white wig, wearing an elegant suit stands, holding a hand out with documents and books piled on a writing desk.
Date: Jun 13 2024

Guest post by Nancy Spannaus

Origin of the American System

It is common practice to present the American System of Economics as the invention of Kentucky politician Henry Clay, who served as a leading spokesman for that policy in the Federal government from 1806 to his death in 1852. But in his advocacy for the key components of the American System–Federal protection for manufactures,…

A man in a suit makes signs in American Sign Language.
Date: Jun 11 2024

By Rich Cairn, History, Civics & Social Studies Inclusion Specialist, CES

Teaching about Disability in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era

Slides from presentation by Rich Cairn at the virtual conference: A More Perfect Union: Exploring America's Story in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, June 17, 2024

A More Perfect Union: Exploring America's Story in the Gilded Age and…

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