Our Partners
In partnership with history institutions and top scholars, we help teachers build engaging curriculum and hands-on projects while encouraging rigorous critical thinking about evidence and interpretation. Emerging America programs feature primary sources from local museums and archives in addition to the vast collections of the Library of Congress. Emerging America is a longtime partner of the fully online Disability History Museum.
For more information on our partnerships, see our Programs and Professional Development pages.

Since 2010, Emerging America's Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Program at the Collaborative for Educational Services has led professional development in Massachusetts and across the U.S.

The Massachusetts Council for the Social Studies (MCSS) is a long-time partner of Emerging America. In 2021, MCSS received a grant from the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources program for the project, Extending the Reach of Primary Sources – English-Learner Collaborations. MCSS is collaborating closely with Emerging America and other state and national education organizations to bring together experts on English language development and History and Social Studies leaders. Link for more information on the project.

Mass Humanities, state-based affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities, provided funding through the Massachusetts Cultural Council through an Expand Massachusetts Stories grant to allow Emerging America and Disability History scholar Graham Warder to research and publish the compelling stories of disabled Massachusetts Civil War veterans and nurses as part of the Reform to Equal Rights K-12 Disability History Curriculum.

Emerging America has been deeply involved with the curriculum and community outreach of the online Disability History Museum. Find a wealth of primary and secondary sources and curriculum on Disability History through Primary Sources on our site.

Emerging America offers graduate credit in History through the Westfield State University Center for Teacher Education and Research and collaborates closely with faculty in History and Education.

Since 2006, Emerging America has enjoyed close collaboration with many outstanding scholars, students, and graduates of the UMass Amherst Department of History, especially through its nationally recognized Public History Program. Graduate research assistants from the UMass Amherst Department of History have played key roles in Emerging America programs and in developing this website.

Since 2006, Emerging America has played a leadership role in service-learning, civics education and civic engagement in Massachusetts. The Collaborative for Educational Services is a proud and active member of the Massachusetts Civic Learning Coalition.

Emerging America has long collaborated with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) on inquiry-based learning, standards, teaching diverse learners, and especially civic engagement. See the DESE page of support for instruction in History, Social Science, and Civics.

Since 2006, Emerging America has partnered with the Springfield Armory National Historic Site on an online exhibit Forge of Innovation and NEH teacher workshops: Forge of Innovation: The Springfield Armory and the Genesis of American Industry.

The Ruggles Center for History and Education and Emerging America have collaborated on professional development and creation of the Radical Equality online exhibit on the Northampton Association of Education and Industry. See the Ruggles Center's own grades 6-12 curriculum.

Based on extensive sources from Historic Northampton, including letters from the activist Stetson family, Emerging America build Radical Equality, an online exhibit on the radical abolitionist utopian community, Northampton Association of Education and Industry.

Emerging America and the Springfield Museums jointly created the online exhibit, Steamboat Barnet, and engaged 140 teachers from across the U.S. through the Forge of Innovation NEH summer workshops.

The Collaborative for Educational Services is a long time proud member of the Association of Educational Service Agencies. AESA represents more than 550 regional education agencies in 45 states.

On behalf of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Emerging America built a website to share curriculum and other Massachusetts K-12 Civics and Social Studies Resources. In 2019, the Tisch Center at Tufts University assumed responsibility for the site.

Emerging America collaborated with the Western Mass Writing Project and local teachers to engage teachers in civic engagement, including a course of study through UMass Amherst.