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Emerging America at the 2024 NCSS Conference - Boston

Many Voices, Many Stories, One World - NCSS 104th Annual Conference
Fri, 11/22/2024


All are welcome to join the conversation of the Teaching Disability History Interest Group on Saturday at 12:20, gathering at the end of Darren Minarik's workshop (see below) in the Hynes Convention Center. Feel free to bring your lunch. Discussion will include a potential resolution for the 2025 NCSS House of Delegates. 

Network with thousands of dynamic educators from across the country for the 104th annual conference of the National Council for the Social Studies, including these presentations featuring disability history: 

  • Rich Cairn and Graham Warder will present a poster Student Research Guides for Disability History: Background, Collections & Curriculum as part of the Library Congress Teaching with Primary Sources poster session. Friday, November 22 - 9:00-10:30am. Exhibit Hall D on Level 2 of the Hynes Convention Center. 
  • Rich Cairn from Emerging America will co-present a workshop with Desi Forte and activists from Easterseals Massachusetts: #TeachDisabilityHistory - How to integrate voices of people with disabilities into the curriculum. Friday, November 22 - 3:00-3:55pm - Rm 308, Hynes Convention Center. 
  • Alison Noyes from Emerging America will join in workshop with Massachusetts Council for the Social Studies leaders Todd Wallingford and Kristen Tabacco, and a team of teachers from Lynn and Hudson: Scaffolding for Multilingual Learners on the Document Based Question Essay. Saturday, November 23, 1:20 - 2:15pm - Room 109, Hynes Convention Center. 


Note too these workshops led by colleagues. Not Emerging America, but exciting presentations on disability history and on access to social studies for students with disabilities: 

  • Darren Minarik, Radford University will present a workshop: Specially Designed Instruction for Students with Disabilities in the Social Studies Classroom - from 11:25am to 12:20pm on Saturday, November 23 - in room 102 of the Hynes Convention Center. 
  • Tiffany Middleton and Catherine Hawke of the American Bar Association will present a workshop: Using SCOTUS Cases to Teach Disability Rights from 3:30-4:25pm on Saturday, November 23 in room 310 of the Hynes Convention Center. 


Title reads, "A Guide for Teachers: How to Build Your Own Scaffolded DBQ"