Year Start
Year End
The Library of Congress holds the best collection of primary sources anywhere on the Civil War and Reconstruction. (See especially the exhibitions under “d” below.) Therefore, the great challenge is to choose the most significant yet engaging and classroom-friendly from among hundreds of thousands of photos, drawings, newspaper articles, speeches, maps, and songs. Each item in this set focuses on a vital point in the conflict and its aftermath. Each item offers clear and meaningful opportunity for students to dig deeper.
(See also the CES Primary Source Set: “Slavery and Antislavery.”) The following information is contained within the set:
- Civil War:
- CES Primary Source Set
- Library of Congress Primary Source Sets
- Library of Congress Primary Source Based Lesson Plan
- Other Primary Sources and Activities on the Civil War at the Library of Congress
- Reconstruction:
- CES Primary Source Set
- Primary Source Sets of the Library of Congress
- Other Primary Sources and Activities on Reconstruction at the Library of Congress
Time Period:
Primary Source Set