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Tutankhamun, Egyptian Boy-King: Disability, Art, & Respect

A young seated man, with bare chest and elaborate collar, aims a bow and arrow while a small woman seated on the floor next to his legs smiles up at him.
Year Start
Year End


King Tutankhamun was a pharaoh who became a leader at age 9. His tomb is a rich source of art and information about the time in which he lived. He was also a leader with a physical disability. In this one-day lesson, students analyze primary sources to determine how Ancient Egyptian artwork represented King Tutankhamun and his physical disability. Students will learn that paintings found in his tomb acknowledged his disability respectfully, in a way that did not distract or detract from his status as a pharaoh, with all of its accompanying wealth and power. Students will form hypotheses about how Ancient Egyptians viewed people with disabilities.  The lesson was written by teacher Holly Gershman for her 6th grade class, and includes her slides demonstrating graphic organizers and presentation options.
