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Accessing Civic Engagement with Students with Disabilities

Teenage activist Greta Thunberg stands outside wearing a hooded yellow raincoat, "Skolstrekt for Klimatet" sign behind her [school strike for climate]
Wed, 04/29/2020

Register - not currently offered

How will your school district ensure that students with disabilities can fully and meaningfully participate in the new student-led civic engagement projects at 8th grade and high school? (Includes students receiving support through Special Education and 504 plans and other diverse learners.) 

Participants of this 75-minute webinar will:

  • Examine 2018 Civic Engagement legislation and DESE Civic Engagement Project Guide with access for diverse learners in mind.
  • Consider overall strategies to support diverse learners in project-based learning. 
  • Gain access to planning tools:
    • School district readiness assessment.
    • Inclusion planning supplement for school district civic engagement projects.
  • Gain access to additional resources, including:
    • Professional development to support inclusion of students with disabilities and other diverse learners in Civics, and in History and Social Science.
    • Digital clearinghouse of resources–lessons, historical source materials, and teaching strategies–to support inclusion of students with disabilities in Civics, and in History and Social Science. 
    • Links to disability rights advocacy groups and information on issues

Audience and Grade Level

Teachers, Grades 4 - 12 

Dates and Locations

This training is fully online.

  • April 29, 2020 from 3:30pm - 4:45pm  Please complete this short survey to express your interest in the webinar and to share questions and resources on access for ALL in civic engagement.   http://bit.ly/AccessCivicsforALL2020 

Cost and Registration

This webinar is free of charge, thanks to support from the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources program.

Registration Deadline: April 22

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