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Civics Pathways professional learning in 2024-25

DESE Civics Pathways logo with stacked arrows together pointing forward
Tue, 10/01/2024

Join DESE Civics Pathways Professional Learning

The DESE Civics Pathways are an initiative of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, developed and facilitated by Massachusetts public school teachers with support from Project Zero and the Democratic Knowledge Project at Harvard University, iCivics, and the Collaborative for Educational Services.

Pathway 1: Getting Started with the Student-led Civics Project

Pathway 2: Going Deeper with the Student-led Civics Project

Pathway 3: Foundational Civics Pedagogies, Grades 6-12

Workshop and Online Course Descriptions for Pathways 1 - 3


Coming Fall, 2024

Pathway 4: Embedding Civics in the Elementary Curriculum, Grades 3-5

Pathway 5: Early Literacy and Civics, Grades Pre-K-2

Image showing options for earning PDPs: two 3-hour workshops or a self-guided online course
[Image shows learning options: two 3-hour workshops or a self-guided online course. Choose your own route!


Upcoming Workshops

Join DESE Civics Pathways Professional Learning The DESE Civics Pathways are an initiative of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Educat…
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