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Rethinking the Gilded Age & Progressivisms - Virtual 1-day conference

Rethinking the Gilded Age and Progressivisms - a woman wears a Greek helmet and armor and holds a staff with an eagle atop it, standing in front of a building with massive classical columns - a man holds a flag with 48 stars
Mon, 06/17/2024

A More Perfect Union: Rethinking the Gilded Age & Progressivisms - Virtual 1-day conference -

Link to SLIDES and Teaching about Disability session description

Curriculum, primary sources, and other teaching resources

  • Took place on June 17, 2024
  • Examine race, capitalism, & democracy – and disability (via a presentation by Emerging America).  
  • Included scholar talks, presentations by teachers, and curriculum and other teaching resources.
  • Supported by a grant from the NEH.
  • Sponsored by the Chicago History Museum, Loyola University, and the University of Illinois at Chicago. With support from: PBS, Library of Congress, and National History Day, and Emerging America. 

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