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Date: Mar 25 2014
The 2014 History Institute, which is a collaboration between the UMass Department of History and the Collaborative for Educational Services in Northampton. The History Institute brings scholars to K-12 teachers to discuss the historical significance of current events.
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Date: Mar 25 2014
The 2014 History Institute, which is a collaboration between the UMass Department of History and the Collaborative for Educational Services in Northampton. The History Institute brings scholars to K-12 teachers to discuss the historical significance of current events.
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Date: Mar 19 2014
Download the Press Release .pdf on the Spring 2014 History Institute: Chris Appy speaks on Who We Are: The Vietnam War and the End of American Exceptionalism David Glassberg speaks on Learning from American Environmental History UMass Professors and K-12 Teachers Collaborate to Connect Past and Present, Bringing Contemporary Events into Local Classrooms Most people assume that history is over. Af…
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