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A man with white hair and a jacket walks with a cane - his reflection appears in the glass of the T4 memorial
Date: Mar 6 2025
“Completely Healthy Children” - The Persistence of Disabled Children and Their Allies During Aktion T4 and the Holocaust By Wyatt Edwards

In Mikaël Ross’s graphic novel The Thud, the main character Noel, who has a developmental disability and has just arrived at a care facility in Germany, learns from an older woman named Irma about how her brother once told her the story of how the buses cam…

A diverse group of ADAPT activist surround a statue of Martin Luther King, Jr. The activists are young and old, black and white, ambulatory and wheelchair users. The group is gathered around the base of the statue, most of them are sitting around it in a clump. Other activists in the background are at the entrance of a building, showing the lack of accessibility to wheelchair users via the building's steps.
Date: Mar 1 2025
Inclusive History News In this Issue: News of the Field Disability History News & Resources Events @ Emerging America  Other Events Teaching Resources  New at the Library of Congress 


March featured blog: "Completely Healthy Children:" The Persistence of Disabled Children and Their Allies During Aktion T4 and the Holocaust - by Wyatt Edwards


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