HISTORY eNEWS Vol. 3, Issue 20 for July 21, 2016
News:“Library Fends Off DDoS Attack” - July 17-20, hackers attacked LoC.Gov. Things are back to normal, but if you find an area that is still down, report it at: website comment form. LoC.Gov will be down July 29-31.
Have you used congress.gov? Please help improve it by answering this online surv…

HISTORY eNEWS Vol. 3, Issue 19 for July 1, 2016
News:Over 150 K–12 educators and higher education faculty applied to participate in the History and Social Science standards revision process. ESE is narrowing the panel to 40 and planning five meetings starting in October. A public survey will be online Aug. 1. The panel will revise standards and propose options for…