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Cover of Living with Disabilities in New England, 1630-1930 - with an 1870s tintype photo of a woman with her three young girls, all formally dressed.
Date: Oct 2 2024
Infusing Disability History into the Classroom By Rich Cairn & Graham Warder In Living with Disabilities in New England, 1630-1930 Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife 2021 Annual Proceedings. Released August, 2024. Edited by Nicole Belolan and Marla Miller.  Buy this illuminating book online from Historic Deerfield or at the Historic Deerfield Museum!   

The Dublin series focuses…

A lithograph of Camp Brightwood in Washington shows the entire 10th Massachusetts Regiment on parade. The unit's tents surround the field. In the corner sits the soldier-artist on a camp stool with a large pad in his lap.
Date: Oct 2 2024
Inclusive History News In this Issue: October Featured Blog Post: Infusing Disability History into the Classroom by Rich Cairn & Graham Warder News of the Field  Disability History News & Resources Events @ Emerging America  Other Professional Development Events New Teaching Resources  New at the Library of Congress 


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