- Take topic you are currently studying in class and have students search the records to find any Congressional discussion regarding the issues.
- Current Event: Have students search for a current event topic and respond to questions such as: How does this topic impact your life? How could you take an active role in shaping this particular issues?
- Use in conjunction with https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record:
- Have students select a member of Congress and browse legislation they have sponsored (or co sponsored). Students may consider whether or not they agree with the Member’s position(s) and write about why or why not.
- Browse editions of the Congressional Record by date: January 4, 1995 (the 104th Congress, 1st Session) to the present
- Perform keyword searches within individual documents or sections within documents
- Share documents via email
- Save documents to your preferred iPad PDF reader
- Identify the latest bills and resolutions considered daily on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives
- Identify the latest bills, resolutions, treaties, and nominations considered daily on the floor of the U.S. Senate