EMERGING AMERICA HISTORY eNEWS Vol. 7, Issue 23 for July 29, 2020
Emerging America FALL COURSES now open for registration! (See below.)
Leadership for Remote Learning by Rebecca Mazur, CES, and Rebecca Woodland, UMass Amherst - identifies ways to meet five needs of teachers in the shifting school planning environment.
2020 Immigrant Student Success Toolkit offers links to social studies teaching resources with tips for remote learning strategies to support immigrant learners.
How Students Benefit from a School Reopening Plan Designed for Those at the Margins - UCal Berkeley Design Challenge reimagines classrooms.
- Johns Hopkins launches K-12 School Reopening Policy Tracker
The Springfield Armory National Historic Site Online FB exhibit - July 27th to August 26th - The Art of Equality: Celebrating the Leadership of Women Workers in Springfield
NCSS introduces New Website.
New NCSS president, Stefanie Wager makes a case for the Social Studies as central and essential to current struggles for social justice.
No eNews next two weeks. Next issue is August 19. Submit events & resources to rcairn@collaborative.org by August 16.
Fall Online Grad Course
Black Communities and Agency:
Fighting Jim Crow and Institutional Racism (1877-1940)
How can teachers engage their students with study of civic life, agency and community? By studying the history of post-Reconstruction American institutions and the struggles for Black equality and justice—even the simple right to live one’s life. PDPs or 3 grad credits. Led by Kelley Brown, with scholar Amilcar Shabbazz, UMass Amherst Department of Afro American Studies. Details. Register by September 14.
EVENTS @ EMERGING AMERICA - Info & Registration.
Contact rcairn@collaborative.org.
PDPs / OR optional grad credit available from Westfield State University.
- Black Communities and Agency: Fighting Jim Crow and Institutional Racism (1877-1940)
- This timely 12-week, fully online course will examine Black communities’ resistance–legal, intellectual, educational, social–to Jim Crow and the other forms of oppression during a bleak period in race relations in America. PDPs or 3 grad credits. Led by Kelley Brown, with scholar Amilcar Shabbazz, UMass Amherst Department of Afro-American Studies. Details
- September 29 to December 13. Register by September 14.
- This timely 12-week, fully online course will examine Black communities’ resistance–legal, intellectual, educational, social–to Jim Crow and the other forms of oppression during a bleak period in race relations in America. PDPs or 3 grad credits. Led by Kelley Brown, with scholar Amilcar Shabbazz, UMass Amherst Department of Afro-American Studies. Details
- Accessing Inquiry for English Learners through Primary Sources
- From Reform to Equal Rights: Teaching Disability History in the K-12 Classroom
- This exciting new course will trace the emergence of Disability Rights over two centuries, addressing multiple new content standards in Massachusetts and other states. PDPs or 1 grad credit. Led by Rich Cairn, Emerging America and scholar, Graham Warder. Details.
- October 27 to December 7. Register by October 13
- This exciting new course will trace the emergence of Disability Rights over two centuries, addressing multiple new content standards in Massachusetts and other states. PDPs or 1 grad credit. Led by Rich Cairn, Emerging America and scholar, Graham Warder. Details.
TPS Teachers Network - Teachers with interest in working with primary sources are welcome to join this network.
Check out many great resources posted in the TPS Teaching Online with Primary Sources group.
National Book Festival Presents - Race in America: Joy Harjo & Tracy K. Smith
Webinar Recordings from Teaching with Primary Sources, including - Reflecting on Using Primary Sources to Meet the Needs of Diverse Learners
Library of Congress Teacher Blog http://blogs.loc.gov/teachers/
- Using American Archive of Public Broadcasting Resources to Engage Students in the Past and Present
- Helping Students to Ask the Right Questions
- Online Educational Events: Using the Library of Congress Digital Music Collections, July 21, and Analyzing Multiple Perspectives, July 22
- Five Questions with Barbara Bavis, Bibliographic and Research Instruction Librarian at the Law Library of Congress
- Free Puzzles through Chronicling America: Maze Edition
- Online Educational Events: Junior Fellows Share their Final Projects, July 28 and Rosa Parks in Her Own Words, July 29
The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History - Self-Paced Course: Lives of the Enslaved - Information and Registration
Mikva Challenge Workshops - Information and Registration
Citizen U and DePaul University - RISE Micro-Credential - Registration (fees apply)
RISE Webinar 1 - Tuesday, August 4th - 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM CST
RISE Webinar 2 - Tuesday, August 11th - 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM CST
RISE Webinar 3 - Tuesday, August 18th - 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM CST
Stanford History Education Group - Information and Registration
Session 1 Dates: August 12-14, 2020
Session 2 Dates: August 24-26, 2020
August 1 - Florida Council for History Education Virtual Conference: Communication in History: The Key to Understanding - Information and Registration
August 4-6 - National Council for History Education Online Summit - Information and Registration
August 10 - 7pm (Webinar) - Five College Consortium: Teaching Contemporary China with Choices Unit - Information and Registration
- August 26-29 - Boston Athenaeum: Primary Sources in the Classroom -
September 7-November 15 (Online Seminar) - Five College for East Asian Studies: War and Peace: Voices from Japan -Information and Registration
Teaching Tolerance -
- Bill of Rights Institute -
Free Digital Textbook: Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness
Citizen U - Emerging America Lesson Plans
Kids Citizen: A Bird's Eye View: Wondering with Maps
University of Maryland - Teaching Difficult History with Primary Sources
2020 Immigrant Student Success -
Also see Resources for Education During a Pandemic
EmergingAmerica.org History eNews welcomes YOUR news & events.
Published Wednesdays; deadline Sunday noon. Archived at http://EmergingAmerica.org/blog.
- Reply to rcairn@collaborative.org to be removed from this list.
Register for CES events.
Teacher-created lessons, primary source sets, & assessments at: http://EmergingAmerica.org.
Follow Emerging America on Twitter and Facebook.
Content created and featured in partnership with the TPS program does not indicate an endorsement by the Library of Congress.