Emerging America History eNEWS Vol. 4, Issue 22 for June 7, 2017
- June 13 - 10am - MA State House - Hearing on Civic Engagement bills before the Mass Legislature. (Room TBD.) Meet up with fellow educators at 9:30, Nurses Hall, 2nd Floor.
- THANK YOU to 109 teachers and administrators from 86 school districts who completed our survey on district social studies practice!!! See full report in June 7 Emerging America blog. http://emergingamerica.orgblog/ Key points:
- 59% of 5th graders get an hour or less of social studies each week.
- 70% of respondents support a required civic action project. (Just 19% oppose it.)
How can I help my English Learners connect with the standard U.S. history curriculum? How can I help my native English speakers empathize with the experience of immigrants? (INFO.)
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Liberty Cabbage: During WWI, government as well as private organizations scrutinized the loyalty of German-American communities.[/caption]
How can I meet state requirements (15 hours each) for Professional Development on teaching Social Studies to students with disabilities? English Learners?
- July 11-12 - “Accessing Inquiry for Students with Disabilities through Primary Sources” - Cambridge, Mass. Available for 1 grad credit in History. REGISTER. Email rcairn@collaborative.org to reserve a space.
- August 1-2 - “Accessing Inquiry for English Learners through Primary Sources” - Greenfield Community College. Audrey Morse and Rich Cairn. Available for 1 grad credit in History. REGISTER.
“Accessing Inquiry” courses meet Mass license renewal requirements for 15-hours PD on students with disabilities or 15-hours PD on English Learners. Link to renewal regulations. Optional 1 Westfield State University grad credit in History available.
What content courses are you offering this summer?
- July 5 - August 5 - ONLINE - “Black Community and Agency: Fighting the Color Line (1877-1940)”. With outstanding instructors: Kelley Brown and Amilcar Shabazz! Available for 3 grad credits in History. REGISTER.
Teachers’ Blog
- Science-Related Sources, including Alexander Graham Bell, Charles Darwin, Evan Torricelli, Emile Berliner, and weather-related resources. Post.
- Bolshevik Revolution through Historic Newspapers. Post.
- Ruggles Center in Northampton is open 11am to 2pm Sundays June 11 - Oct. 9 - One of the most well-documented communities on the Underground Railroad. http://www.davidrugglescenter.org/
- June 14 - 6-7pm - Wistariahurst - “History Matters: How and When They Came Affected Immigrants’ Incorporation and Life Chances in Holyoke” - Ginetta Candelario
- June 17 - 10am - 4pm - Springfield Armory - WWI Day. Exhibits, talks, reenactors.
- June 17 - 2pm - Historic Northampton - Bruce Laurie “Chaotic Freedom in Civil War Louisiana: The Origins of an Iconic Image” - Slavery and the Propaganda.
- June 28 - 6-7pm - Wistariahurst - “Lived Realities of Immigration: Mexican and Undocumented in the United States” - Leah Schmalzbauer & Aleli Andrés
- June 30 - Deadline to propose workshop at MCSS Oct. 20 Conference in Marlborough
- July 29 - History Camp of the Pioneer Valley - A day for history lovers and those who love them! http://historycamp.org/pioneer-valley
- July 31-August 4 - MCSS Summer 2017 Content Institute - Boston Info
- August 20 - Deadline for MCSS Professional Development Submissions for the 2017-18 School Year MCSS Sign In and Info
- October 20 - Statewide MCSS Fall Conference - Marlborough, Massachusetts Info
- Teachers as Activists: Dealing with controversy. Teaching teams. From Teaching Tolerance.
- Teaching Tolerance Summe Journal - FREE - Undocumented Students - Empowering students to recast their personal narratives from, “I can’t” to “I can.” More!
- NEW website at Boston Public Library Leventhal Map Center. FUN!
EmergingAmerica.org History eNews welcomes YOUR news & events. Published most Wednesdays; deadline Monday noon. Archived at http://EmergingAmerica.org/blog.
- Reply to rcairn@collaborative.org to be removed from this list.
Register for CES events.
Teacher-created lessons, primary source sets, & assessments at: http://EmergingAmerica.org.
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