EMERGING AMERICA HISTORY eNEWS Vol. 8, Issue 11 for May 12, 2021
- News
- Events @ Emerging America
- New at the Library of Congress
- Professional Development Events
- Other Resources
How to Teach the Great Political Divide
America and World Fascism: From the Spanish Civil War to Nuremberg and Beyond
July-August, 2021 - Online
Info & Registration

“November 28, 2020 - St. Paul, Minn. -- A man with an ANTIFA patch on the back of his vest arrives to [sic] a Proud Boys, Trump, Stop The Steal rally.” Photo by Chad Davis. Wikimedia Commons.
Investigate the long history of extremist ideologies with scholars Peter N. Carroll (Stanford) and Sebastiaan Faber (Oberlin). Work with a community of thoughtful educators to examine strategies for teaching controversial and divisive topics in history and civics.
Mark your calendars for these Emerging America courses and workshops. Contact rcairn@collaborative.org.
PDPs / OR optional grad credit available from Westfield State University.
2021 Dublin Seminar: Living with Disabilities in New England, 1630 - 1930 - ONLINE
- Scholars from across the U.S.
- Teachers can earn CEUs or 1 grad credit through Emerging America.
- June 25, 3pm to June 26, 4:30pm
- June 29, 4pm - teacher workshop
- Mark your calendars. Info.
NEW: America and World Fascism: From the Spanish Civil War to Nuremberg and Beyond
- Led by Peter Carroll, Stanford University; Sebastiaan Faber, Oberlin College; and Rich Cairn, Emerging America.
- Earn 22.5 PDPs (MA), 15 hours (other states), or 1 grad credit in History from Westfield State University.
- July 5 to August 5. Includes four live webinars. Info & Registration.
Accessing Inquiry for Students with Disabilities through Primary Sources:
- NEW: Access FREE K-12 Curriculum on History of People with Disabilities.
- All states' teachers welcome! Focus on Massachusetts and Maryland state standards and resources.
- Led by Rich Cairn and Alison Noyes, Emerging America, with Lia Atanat, Maryland Humanities.
- Earn 22.5 PDPs (MA), 15 hours (other states), or optional 1 grad credit in History from Westfield State University.
- July 9 - August 8. One live webinar: July 14. Info & Registration.
NEW! History's Mysteries Summer Institute: Develop a Mystery for Your Own Classroom (fully online)
- Earn 67.5 PDPs (MA) or 45 PD hours (national) by completing the institute and submitting reflective input after you implement learning in the fall. Led by program creators, Laurie Risler and Kelley Brown. Info about the free History’s Mysteries: Historical Inquiry for Elementary Classrooms. Info & Registration.
- July 12-16; sign up for morning or afternoon sessions.
- Follow-up session for all in December.
See complete list of short webinars, poster presentations, and more.
- May 17, 7pm Eastern - Emerging America hosts Twitter #sschat on History & Civics & Inquiry for ALL
- May 25, 4pm Eastern - History’s Mysteries - Mass Civics for All spring webinars- Civics in the Elementary Grades. Info.
See recordings and materials from our Spring Inclusion in Civic Learning Series:
- Inclusion in Civics & History - Easterseals #TeachDisabilityHistory campaign.
- Thinkport Inquiry Kits – Teaching Tools from Maryland Humanities and Maryland Public Television
- Right Question Institute – Strategies to Engage All Students in Asking Their Own Questions
Contact Rich Cairn rcairn@collaborative.org to schedule Accessing Inquiry and other professional development workshops remotely in your school district or region in 2021.
TPS Teachers Network - Teachers with interest in working with primary sources are welcome to join this network. Featured this week - (log in to see DISCUSSIONS):
You may link directly to these resources.
Library of Congress Teacher Blog http://blogs.loc.gov/teachers/
- Listen to 50 Newly Streaming Recordings - Poetry and Literature
- Jason Reynolds: Grab the Mic, May Edition
- Appreciating “all the great teachers on earth who work so hard to give young people a world that is a better, richer, and more civilized place”
- Library Announces Grant Opportunity to Enhance Teaching with Primary Sources
- Celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month with Primary Sources
- Civil War Aeronauts: Exploring 19th Century Technology Innovation with Photographs, Manuscripts and Newspapers
EVENTS (online unless otherwise noted)
- May 13, 10am - noon & May 14, 6-8pm Eastern Time - Walking Tours - Exploring Northampton: The Northampton State Hospital and its Grounds. Info.
- May 15, 1:00-3:30pm Eastern Time - Day of Remembrance: Commemoration of the 345th Anniversary of the Massacre at Peskeompskut, Massachusetts. Nolumbeka Project. Info.
- May 18, & 25, 7:30-8pm Eastern Time - Webinar - Learn to Use the KidCitizen Editor - Info.
- May 19, 6:00-7:30pm Eastern Time - Webinar - Lady Bird Johnson: Hiding in Plain Sight. JFK Library. Info.
- May 19, 4-5pm Eastern Time - Webinar - Researching Historic Maps - Massachusetts Libraries. Info.
- May 20, 7pm Eastern Time - Webinar - Reading the Hadley Deed of 1660: A Primary Source Excursion on an “Indian deed” with Dr. Alice Nash, UMass Amherst. Historic Northampton. Info.
- May 20, 7-8pm Eastern Time - Webinar - The Quest for Equality: Progress or Retreat? - Margaret Marshall, Jane Mendillo, & Danielle Allen. Concord Museum & Mass Humanities. Info.
- May 27, 4:00-4:30pm Eastern Time - Webinar - Teaching Spark! Closing the School Year - add to your toolkit with Facing History. Info.
- June 5, noon to 7pm Eastern Time - virtual demos - Tech & Social Studies Live! Social Studies Innovation Network. Info.
- June 9, 6:00-7:30pm Eastern Time - Webinar - Justice Rising: Robert Kennedy’s America in Black and White. Webinar. JFK Library. Info.
- June 15, 7pm Eastern Time - Webinar - Commemorating the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre with Dr. Karlos K. Hill. Facing History. Info.
- June 21-23 - Grading for Equity Institute. Info.
- June 28, 11am - 5pm Eastern Time - Summer Pop-UP! PD: Government, genocide, inequality, technology, Read-Inquiry-Write, Bayard Rustin, and more! National Council for the Social Studies. Info.
- June 29-30. TPS Eastern Region Conference. Info.
- Stanford History Education Group. Info.
- Facing History and Ourselves. Info.
EmergingAmerica.org History eNews welcomes YOUR news & events.
Published Wednesdays; deadline Sunday noon. Archived at http://EmergingAmerica.org/blog.
Register for CES events.
Teacher-created lessons, primary source sets, & assessments at: http://EmergingAmerica.org.
Follow Emerging America on Twitter and Facebook.
Content created and featured in partnership with the TPS program does not indicate an endorsement by the Library of Congress.