EMERGING AMERICA HISTORY eNEWS Vol. 8, Issue 20 for November 10, 2021
- News
- Events @ Emerging America
- New at the Library of Congress
- Disability History Resources & Updates
- Other Professional Development Events
- Other Resources
- Blog post preview: “New Mini-Units Will Integrate Disability History across K-12 Curriculum” - Link to blog post.
New Mini-Units Will Integrate Disability History across K-12 Curriculum
Seeking teachers to pilot mini-units.
See below for a list of workshops on inclusion.

Sergeant Thomas Plunkett of Co. E, 21st Massachusetts Infantry Regiment in uniform with amputated arms. [seated in chair, man looks toward viewer, uniform sleeves hanging loose without hands]
- Free Teaching with Primary Sources Micro-credentials - Barat Foundation’s Citizen U micro-credentials on using primary sources, hosted by the National Education Association (NEA), and created in partnership with Emerging America, and Inquiry in the Upper Midwest. Includes Universal Design for Learning.
- Contact Julie Schaul re vouchers for non-NEA members: jsinchicago@gmail.com. Link to info about the microcredentials.
- PBS NewsHour Extra's Journalism in Action seeks teacher curriculum writers.
- Contact Victoria Pasquantonio - vpasquantonio@newshour.org.
- “Community and Civic Engagement: How Trust and Belonging Fuel Civic Action” - article and links to resources by Chicago teacher, Andrea Cavedo. Link to Community article.
- “You can't have meaningful civic engagement without social and emotional skills” (SEL) - Karen Niemi. Link to the article on SEL.
- “On ‘Difficult’ Conversations,” by Derisa Grant.
- Take an MIT teacher survey on “teacher’s attitudes toward new legislation to prohibit the teaching of topics such as critical race theory, white privilege, and systemic racism.”
- The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is working with Primary Source to develop curriculum for grades 5, 6, & 7. Read about the Investigating History initiative.
- Preservation Massachusetts seeks a program & advocacy manager. Link for info on the job.
- Next issue of History eNews is December 8. Submit items to rcairn@collaborative.org by December 1.
EVENTS @ EMERGING AMERICA - Info & Registration.
Mark your calendars for these Emerging America courses and workshops. Contact rcairn@collaborative.org.
PDPs / OR optional grad credit available from Westfield State University.
Emerging America: Immigration Issues in Perspective for Diverse Students
- Harness current events to deepen understanding of immigration across American history, from the founding of the nation through today. Focus on access strategies.
- Alison Noyes, Emerging America.
- January 12 to March 2. Online. With three live webinars.
- Register for Immigration Issues.
Accessing Inquiry for Students with Disabilities through Primary Sources
- Meets Massachusetts 15-hour recertification requirement on teaching Students with Disabilities. Access FREE K-12 Curriculum on History of People with Disabilities.
- Led by Rich Cairn, Emerging America.
- Earn 22.5 PDPs (MA), 15 hours (other states), or optional 1 grad credit in History from Westfield State University.
- January 14 - February 23. Online. One live webinar. Register for Accessing Inquiry for Students with Disabilities.
Introduction to Elementary Inquiry Using History’s Mysteries
- Become familiar with History’s Mysteries and ask questions of its authors in preparation for teaching the curriculum.
- February 9, or May 18, 7-8:30 pm Eastern. Online.
- Register for History’s Mysteries Intro.
Develop a Mystery for Your Own Classroom History's Mysteries Institute
- The creators of History’s Mysteries will guide you through deep exploration of this powerful K-5 curriculum and its methods. Choose between customizing a unit for your unique classroom needs or creating a new History’s Mysteries-style lesson on a vital topic.
- Spring: February 28 to April 4. Online.
- Laurie Risler, with Kelley Brown.
- Available for 66.5 PDPs or optional 3 graduate credits from Westfield State University.
- Register for the History’s Mysteries Institute.
America and World Fascism - From the Spanish Civil War to Nuremberg and Beyond:
- Study extremism and resistance to it across the 20th century to today. Explore strategies to teach difficult and controversial subjects.
- Led by Peter Carroll, Stanford University; Sebastiaan Faber, Oberlin College; and Rich Cairn, Emerging America.
- Earn 22.5 PDPs (MA), 15 hours (other states), or 1 grad credit in History from Westfield State University.
- March 3 - April 15. Online. With four live webinars.
- Register for America and World Fascism course.
Make Your Civic Engagement Inclusive
- Design civic engagement projects and civics education that are fully inclusive, especially of students with disabilities and English Learners.
- Led by Rich Cairn, Emerging America.
- Earn 10 PDPs with submission of an inclusive civic engagement plan.
- March 3. Online.
- Register for Inclusive Civic Engagement.
Teaching World Geography and Ancient Civilizations
- Gain practical training in the geographic and historical content and inquiry-based strategies and resources for instruction to address Social Science Standards. Focus on regions of the world that have been underrepresented in K-12 classrooms.
- Led by Nicholas Aieta, Westfield State University, and Rich Cairn, Emerging America
- Earn 22.5 PDPs (MA), 15 hours (other states), or optional 1 grad credit in History from Westfield State University.
- April 19 - May 24. Online. With two live webinars. Register for Teaching World Geography and Ancient Civilizations.
See complete list of short webinars, poster presentations, and more.
- National Council for the Social Studies Conference - November 15-21
- Inclusion, Equity, and Access - November 21, 11:30-12:15 Eastern. TPS Consortium Panel. Info on NCSS Conference.
- Creating History’s Mysteries: Engaging Young Learners in Inquiry-Driven Social Studies - November 21, 2:30-3:15 pm Eastern. Info re History’s Mysteries workshop.
- Growing Citizens: Differentiating Civics Education for All Learners - Emerging America & Engaging Congress - November 21, 2:30-3:15 pm Eastern. Info re Citizens workshop.
- Meaningfully Engaging Students with Disabilities - Plan and implement civics projects that are meaningful and accessible. Sponsored by Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
- December 1, 3-4 pm
- Rich Cairn, Emerging America; iCivics; and experienced teachers.
- Register for Engaging Students with Disabilities webinar.
- Teaching Disability History: From Reform to Equal Rights
- December 8, 4:00pm - part of Mass Council for the Social Studies fall online conference. Info on Teaching Disability History workshop.
- Library announces new Teaching with Primary Sources grants. Link to list of grants.
- Including Mass Council for the Social Studies, iCivics, History’s Mysteries, and CES!
- Living Nations, Living Words - work by Native Nations poets curated by Poet Laureate Joy Harjo. Link to Living Nations.
- Gems of Comic Art Collection - Geppi Gems. Link to online Comic Art exhibition.
- Civic education leader Danielle Allen writes on forging common purpose in the Library of Congress Magazine. Link to Allen’s article.
TPS Teachers Network - Teachers with interest in working with primary sources are welcome to join this network. Featured this month - (log in to see DISCUSSIONS; no log-in needed for ALBUMS):
- GROUP: Maps & Geography
- DISCUSSION: Crowdsourcing with Students?
- DISCUSSION: Mesoamerica resources
- DISCUSSION: Using the 1940 Census and historical 'Redlining' Maps to create a personal narrative
- You may link directly to these resources.
Library of Congress Teacher Blog http://blogs.loc.gov/teachers/
- Native American Heritage Month: Celebrating Individuals and Exploring History
- Motivating Student Research about the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 with a WPA Life History
- Recognizing the Creativity and Humanity of Mathematics
- Infrastructure and Primary Sources: Posters from the Works Progress Administration
- New Primary Source Set on Women in Science and Technology
- Claiming Antarctica
- November 10, 7pm Eastern Time - The Changing Language of Disability - New England Public Media. Link to Language of Disability.
- Becoming Helen Keller premiered Oct. 19 on THIRTEEN PBS station. View this exciting one-hour American Masters film streamed. Link to the PBS broadcast and streaming page.
- November 13, 11am OR November 14, 1pm - ON SITE - The Northampton State Hospital and its Grounds - Historic Northampton. Info on Northampton walking tour.
- National Council on Disability. Link to NCD history of the ADA.
- Library of Congress Acquires Rare Book Collection from American Foundation for the Blind (AfB). Link to AfB announcement.
- Emerging America updated the list of teacher-created, accessible lesson plans that address standards related to Disability History in the 2018 Massachusetts History & Social Science Framework. Link to the list of lessons.
- “Helen Keller and the Problem of ‘Inspiration Porn’” - New York Times, Oct. 22, 2021. Link to the Times article.
- “#SayTheWordDisabled” by Lawrence Carter-Long. Link to Carter-Long blog post.
all times in Eastern Time Zone; Online unless noted.
- November 16, 4:30-6:30pm. Where We Are At: Hong Kong online workshop. National Center on Teaching about Asia. Info on Hong Kong webinar.
- November 16, 7pm - Beyond Civil Rights: Dr. Martin Luther King’s Activism in the 1960s - National Humanities Center. Info on Civil Rights webinar.
- November 23, 5:30-6:30pm - I Believe I'll Go Back Home: Roots and Revival in New England Folk Music - Massachusetts Historical Society. Info on Roots webinar.
- November 30, 5:15-6:30pm - The Reinvention of Tradition: Conformist Nationalism in the United States, 1923-1931 - Massachusetts Historical Society. Info on Nationalism webinar.
- December 6 - January 22 - Learning for Justice - Unpacking the Social Justice Standards. Info on Social Justice Standards webinars.
- December 7 + January 13 + February 8 - Worlds of Southeast Asia and Oceania - 3-Part Series - Primary Source. Info on World History series.
- January 14-16 - NASA and the Space Race - National Council of History Education - In person, Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, FL - $500 stipend + 1-year NCHE membership. Info on NASA workshop.
- January 15 - SOURCES free conference - ON SITE at University of Central Florida, Orlando. Info on SOURCES.
- January 18 & February 15 - Learning for Justice - Let’s Talk: creating supportive learning environments that encourage risk-taking. Info on Let’s Talk webinars.
- January 19, 5-6:30pm - Learning for Justice - Speak Up at School: strategies to interrupt bias. Info on the Speak Up webinar.
- January 19 & 26 + February 2, 9, & 16 - 6:30-8:30pm - Intro to Ancient East Asia - Five College Center for East Asian Studies. Link to info on East Asia seminars.
- January 25, 7pm - Forty Acres in the Twenty-First Century: Black Reparations Today - National Humanities Center. Info on Reparations webinar.
- February 12-17 - Learning for Justice - Teaching Hard History. Info on Hard History webinars.
- March 9, 16. 23, & 30 + April 6 - 6:30-8:30pm - Intro to Modern East Asia - Five College Center for East Asian Studies. Link to info on East Asia seminars.
- March 12 - in-person or online - “Pursuing Wellness: Medicine and Healing in New England” - Historic Deerfield Massachusetts. Contact Barbara Mathews about proposing to present at the symposium: bmathews@historic-deerfield.
org. - March 17-20, 2022 National Council for History Education Conference. Info on the NCHE conference.
- The Era of Red Power and Self Determination - National Center for History Education. Link to recording of Red Power.
- Indigenous Peoples’ History - Learning for Justice - (86 minutes). Link to Indigenous History recording.
- Immigration Lessons on Share My Lesson - Immigrant Learning Center. Link to the lessons.
- 10 Strategies That Support English Language Learners Across All Subjects - Edutopia. Link to ELL support strategies.
- Discussing Congressional Investigations of January 6 - Learning for Justice. Link to January 6 resources.
- We Can Create Change Together: Understanding key concepts about solidarity and the power of diverse coalitions can help students work toward justice - Learning for Justice. Link to solidarity article.
- Reimagining Digital Literacy Education to Save Ourselves - addressing misinformation and attacks on democracy - Learning for Justice. Link to digital literacy article.
- Supporting Child and Student Social, Emotional, Behavioral and Mental Health - Guide from U.S. Department of Education. Download the guide.
- Creating Culturally Relevant, Place-Based Lessons for First Graders - Inquiry in the Upper Midwest. Link to NCSS article. [You must–and should!–join NCSS to access - RC.]
- New elementary Thinkport Inquiry kits from Maryland Humanities. Link to Thinkport.
- Taking it to the Streets: Global Protests During the Pandemic - Choices Program and Right Question Institute. Link to Protests.
- Stop Bullying - Facing History and Ourselves. Link to Bullying Resources.
- How Storyboarding Helps Learning - 4QM Teaching blog. Link to post on storyboarding.
- Documenting the Early History of Black Lives in the Connecticut River Valley - Pioneer Valley History Network & UMass Amherst. Link to Black Lives stories.
- “I Didn’t Learn That” - Resource guides on overlooked vital points in American history - such as African American contributions in the Civil War - Middle Tennessee State University. Link to I Didn’t Learn That.
- African-Americans in the Spanish Civil War - (74 minutes). Link to video.
- Public Education Project of the U.S. Federal Government. Link to the Federal Government site.
- New primary source sets from DBQ Project. Link to new DBQs.
- Bill of Rights Institute video for students on Free Speech and the First Amendment - (7:13 minutes). Link to the BRI video.
- Getting to Net Zero Emissions by 2050 - National Academies of Science. Link to climate change resources.
New Mini-Units Will Integrate Disability History across K-12 Curriculum
By Rich Cairn
Emerging America is pleased to announce a new project to create and disseminate the nation’s first complete K-12 Disability History Curriculum. Thanks to a Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) grant, the new curriculum, From Reform to Equal Rights, will be available free online by Summer 2022.
Seeking teachers to pilot mini-units in winter-spring 2022.
Link to the blog post for details.
EmergingAmerica.org History eNews welcomes YOUR news & events.
Published monthly on Wednesdays; deadline previous Wednesday 9am. Archived at http://EmergingAmerica.org/blog.
- Reply to rcairn@collaborative.org to be removed from this list.
Register for CES events.
Teacher-created lessons, primary source sets, & assessments at: http://EmergingAmerica.org.
Follow Emerging America on Twitter and Facebook.
Content created and featured in partnership with the TPS program does not indicate an endorsement by the Library of Congress.