Published on Sun, 02/14/2016
[caption id="attachment_9087" align="alignright" width="195"]
Ten Days in a Mad-House: Illuminates the inner workings of an insane asylum.[/caption]
Produced during the History in Motion program, a collaboration between Emerging America and the Library of Congress, the following primary source set contains materials focused on Disability history in the United States.
Disability has been interwoven into America’s history since the country’s inception through letters, images, newspapers, diaries and other primary sources. Ideas around ability and disability shift through time and location, just as ideas around race and ethnicity change depending on time period or location. Throughout America’s history, people have been recognized for their differences, even as the definition of what constitutes a difference has transformed over time.
Included in the set is a thorough introduction into the history of disability starting with the responsibility of the US government to provide support to wounded soldiers and moving into the present with The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) of 1990. Also included are recommended secondary sources, classroom activities, and standards addressed. Within the primary source collection topics such as eugenic sterilization, the education of disabled children, and telegrams between Helen Keller and Alexander Graham Bell combine to create a vivid collection of materials appropriate for research and education alike.
View more details, and download or access the lesson plan online.
Emerging America brings this primary source set to you thanks to the outstanding primary sources and materials provided free by the Library of Congress.
