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Date: Apr 2 2015
NEWS Summer Institute open for registration: America Comes of Age: Exploring Reform in the Early 20th Century (1900-1940) - Eric Arnesen, George Washington Univ.. Kelley Brown & Laurie Risler, teacher-leaders. Rich Cairn, Emerging America. June 29 to July 2 (with ½-day in Oct.). April 6, 4:00pm - “Transnational Fight for the Rights of Undocumented Migrants, 1965-1986" - Ana Raquel Minian, Sta…
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Date: Dec 28 2016
Presidential inaugurations have historically provided a platform for some of the most dynamic moments in American History. Consider having students analyze some of the most important–for the significance of the inaugural speech as well as for the importance of events surrounding the inauguration. What made each of these moments so significant? What characteristics make for a great inaugural speech…
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Date: Apr 6 2015
NEWS Registration Open: for nine FREE Summer 2015 Emerging America events statewide. Information & Registration here. Reminder: Western Mass. Social Studies Professional Learning Community - April 7, 3:30-5:00pm. Snacks. Civics Education and Civic Engagement is topic. Contact rcairn@collaborative.org for info. All welcome! LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Teaching with Primary Sources @ the Collaborative…
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Date: Jun 7 2017
Rich Cairn, Emerging America, Collaborative for Educational Services, Northampton, Massachusetts Completed mostly by secondary social studies teachers and by school and district administrators, the survey shows a robust social studies program at the secondary level across Massachusetts. Most districts offer some kind of civics course. A majority offer some sort of civic engagement project. Of som…
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