Feb. 8, 12:15-1:45pm - Shrewsbury HS - Central Mass Social Studies Supervisors - Contact Jennifer DiFrancesca @SHSSocialSci.
Feb. 8, 3:30-5:00pm - CES - Western Mass Social Studies Dept. Chairs. Email rcairn@collaborative.org to say you’re coming and to get notices-minutes.
State Civic Learning and Engagement Task Force met Feb. 2. Next me…

RESCHEDULED: Feb. 29, 3:30-5:00pm - CES - Western Mass Social Studies Dept. Chairs. Focus on Civics courses. Email rcairn@collaborative.org.
LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Teaching with Primary Sources @ the CollaborativeNEW–FREE! – Sparking Inquiry in Geography & World History
Plymouth North High School, 41 Obery St, Plymouth, MA 02360; March 15…

Registration Extended through Saturday, Feb. 20 - 4:30pm – Using Primary Texts to Promote Inquiry and Enrich the Learning Experience - Partnership between the Library of Congress TPS Program at CES and the Western Mass Writing Project. Register.
Wistariahust is Hiring! PT Program Coordinator, $15.19-$15.70/hour, More info here

HISTORY eNEWS Vol. 3, Issue 7 for February 24, 2016
NEWSCORRECTION: 1960s in Historical Perspective begins March 15 (not 22nd), April 26, & May 10, 4-7pm - The 1960s in Historical Perspective: Social Justice and Equality in Local Context - Explore excellent local archives! Register.