EMERGING AMERICA HISTORY eNEWS Vol. 7, Issue 24 for August 19, 2020
New Grade 1 lessons deepen the exploration of George Washington in Emerging America's free K-5 curriculum, History's Mysteries: "How do communities make good decisions?" and "What makes a good leader?"
Registration closes Wednesday, August 19 for new Teaching History's Mysteries workshop! (Register)
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education - Fall Remote Learning Guidance
Have students completed their student-led civics projects? Share their project with the statewide @MACivicsForAll coalition to be showcased at https://bit.ly/2P1YVru
Amherst Students to Learn About Local Holocaust Connection - WGBY interviews Simon Leutz
QFT survey: What services do you need? See Remote Learning Resources to support QFT.
DESE seeks veteran teachers to serve as Civics Project Fellows to support statewide professional development. Earn $1,250 stipend and 25 PDPs. Applications due August 26.
Registration Opens for NCSS Virtual Conference - December 4-6, 2020.
Library of Congress holds forum update on how to access Congressional data and info on legislation - September 10 - Information
Massachusetts Civic Learning Coalition seeks blog post writers.
The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History announces History Teachers of the Year - Congratulations to NDia Riegler, Eliot K-8 School, Boston
Don't let your students go uncounted! The U.S. Census offers resources to support outreach to students as well as teaching resources.
No eNews next week. Next issue is September 2. Submit events & resources to rcairn@collaborative.org by August 30.
From Reform to Equal Rights: Teaching Disability History Course is Open for Registration!
PDPs or Grad Credit - Online - October 27 to December 5

Disability Rights Activists, Judy Heumann and Barbara Ransom pose for a photograph at the TASH Outstanding Leadership in Disability Law Symposium. (2019). [Photo alt text: Woman seated in motorized wheelchair clasps hand of standing woman as they smile for a photo in front of an event backdrop.]
EVENTS @ EMERGING AMERICA - Info & Registration.
Contact rcairn@collaborative.org.
PDPs / OR optional grad credit available from Westfield State University.
Teaching the History’s Mysteries K-5 Curriculum. New free K-5 curriculum available online. Register for orientation and professional development led by program creators, Laurie Risler & Kelley Brown. $50. Earn 10 PDPs by teaching a unit in fall and participating in Nov. 12 reflection webinar.
August 26 & September 2 - ONLINE
REGISTRATION CLOSES August 19!Black Communities and Agency: Fighting Jim Crow and Institutional Racism (1877-1940)
PDPs or 3 grad credits. Led by Kelley Brown, with scholar Amilcar Shabbazz, UMass Amherst Department of Afro-American Studies. Details.
September 29 to December 13. Register by September 14.
Accessing Inquiry for English Learners through Primary Sources
Successful course taught across the U.S. Meets 15 hour Mass license requirement for PD on teaching ELs. PDPs or 1 grad credit. Led by Rich Cairn and Alison Noyes, Emerging America. Details.
October 19 to December 5. Register by October 5.
From Reform to Equal Rights: Teaching Disability History in the K-12 Classroom
PDPs or 1 grad credit. Led by Rich Cairn, Emerging America and scholar, Graham Warder. Details. This exciting new course will trace the emergence of Disability Rights over two centuries, addressing multiple new content standards in Massachusetts and other states.
October 27 to December 7. Register by October 13.
- TPS Teachers Network - Teachers with interest in working with primary sources are welcome to join this network. Featured this week - YOU MUST LOGIN FIRST FOR THESE LINKS TO WORK:
- Check out many great resources posted in the TPS Teaching Online with Primary Sources group.
- The A.D.A. at 30: Beyond the Law's Promise
- Treatment of Veterans
- Black Suffrage
- Introducing Myself Using 3 WPA Posters
- The Arts and Primary Sources
- Count de Buffon to Thomas Jefferson, December 31, 1785
- The Story of the United States in 12 Songs
- Animated Gif Holder
- Marian Anderson diaries & letters
- Railroad Stories in the West
- Album of the Coronavirus Experience
- Propaganda
- Congressional Research Service Reports
- Searching the Silk Road
Library of Congress: Historic Public Affairs Series "Black Journal" Now Available Online at the American Archive of Public Broadcasting
Library of Congress announces William H. Taft Papers
- Library of Congress Teacher Blog http://blogs.loc.gov/teachers/
A Teacher’s Memories of Congressman John Lewis
Five Questions with Cheryl Fox, the Library of Congress Archives Specialist, Manuscript Division
Online Professional Development: What’s New in the TPS Consortium and TPS Teachers Network, August 4 and Information Literacy and Primary Sources, August 5
Jason Reynolds August Grab the Mic Newsletter
Join Us for Online Office Hours: Celebrate Hispanic Heritage August 11 and the Library’s Comic Arts Collection August 18
Studying Images of World War I Nurses: The Nurturer in a Red Cross Poster
Join Us for Office Hours: A Glimpse into the Library’s Comic Arts Collection
- National Humanities Alliance - Virtual 2020 Conference - November 6, 10, 12, and 13 - Information
- inquirED Webinars - Information and Registration
- Teaching with Primary Sources: Professional Development Providers Institute Eastern Region - September 30 - November 4th - Information and Registration
- Mass Humanities 2020 "The Vote: A Statewide Conversation about Voting" – including Emerging America partnership with Primary Source and the Mass Historical Society https://masshumanities.org/thevote/.
- August 20 - 12pm (online) - PBS Education: GAME ON: Lesson Planning with Peers - Information and Registration
- August 20 - 4-5pm(live) and 7-8(rebroadcast) - NCSS: “The 9/11 Generation Grows Up: Young Voters in 2020” - Information and Registration
- August 27 - 4-5pm(live) and 7-8(rebroadcast) - NCSS: “What is Going On? Identifying Political Platforms and Sourcing Accurate Information for the 2020 Elections” - Information and Registration
- September 1 - 7-8pm (online) - NCSS: Bridging Divides: Nonpartisan Civics Education - Information and Registration
- September 15 - 4-5pm (online) - NCSS: From Headline to Homework Teaching Current Events Through Anti-Bias Framework - Information and Registration
- Facing History and Ourselves - Back to School 2020: Building Community for Connection and Learning
- Teaching Tolerance -
- John F, Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum - The Election of 1960 And Its Echoes Today (Podcast)
- The Gritty Berkshires (new book)
- iCivics -
- inquirED - Distance Learning Curriculum
- Inquiry Connections - Making the Inquiry Connection
- Ford’s Theatre: Virtual Field Trips to Ford's Theater, Washington.
- Citizen U -
- Discovering Justice: August 2020 Newsletter - Discovering Justice's lovely newsletter features information on Mock Trial programs and the courts.
Also see Resources for Education During a Pandemic.
EmergingAmerica.org History eNews welcomes YOUR news & events.
Published Wednesdays; deadline Sunday noon. Archived at http://EmergingAmerica.org/blog.
- Reply to rcairn@collaborative.org to be removed from this list.
Register for CES events.
Teacher-created lessons, primary source sets, & assessments at: http://EmergingAmerica.org.
Follow Emerging America on Twitter and Facebook.
Content created and featured in partnership with the TPS program does not indicate an endorsement by the Library of Congress.