EMERGING AMERICA HISTORY eNEWS Vol. 8, Issue 19 for October 13, 2021
- News
- Events @ Emerging America
- New at the Library of Congress
- Disability History Resources & Updates
- Other Professional Development Events
- Other Resources
- Blog post preview: “English Learner Collaborations Project to Teach the Language of Social Studies” - Link to blog post.
Accessing Inquiry for English Learners through Primary Sources
Fall section begins October 29.
Co-taught by teacher Wendy Harris and Alison Noyes.
Info & Registration.
- Massachusetts Council for the Social Studies receives Library of Congress grant for English Learner Collaborations project. MCSS will produce WIDA-compatible examples for teaching social studies at elementary, middle and high school levels, and seeks teachers to pilot test them. – Read Alison Noyes’s blog post.
- Becoming Helen Keller: New Film Looks at Her Career, Politics and Controversies - THIRTEEN New York - PBS American Masters series - Info on the film. October 19, 9pm Eastern - film premiers. Emerging America is working with THIRTEEN on classroom activities.
- Emerging America received a grant from Mass Humanities to create a unit for grades 8-12: Who Shall Have Borne the Battle: How the Civil War Transformed Disability, Exploring Stories of Massachusetts Veterans. Graham Warder and a UMass Amherst History graduate student will research and support the curriculum. The unit is part of a K-12 Disability History Curriculum supported by a new Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources grant.
- Mass Center for Civic Education (MaCCE) newsletter features an article on Project Citizen projects with the Middlesex County Sheriff. Download the MaCCE newsletter.
- National Academy of Science (NAS) study on an ethnic studies program in San Francisco finds long-term benefits. Link to the NAS study.
- National History released a Guide to Student Research and Historical Argumentation. Download the Guide to Research.
- The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education published an FAQ: Race, Racism, and Culturally Responsive Teaching in History and Social Science in Massachusetts. Download the FAQ.
- Kevin Kumashiro's post of Understanding the Attacks on Teaching: A Background Brief for Educators and Leaders on September 5. https://www.kevinkumashiro.
com/attacksonteaching - Next issue of History eNews is November 10. Submit items to rcairn@collaborative.org by November 3.
EVENTS @ EMERGING AMERICA - Info & Registration.
Mark your calendars for these Emerging America courses and workshops. Contact rcairn@collaborative.org.
PDPs / OR optional grad credit available from Westfield State University.
Re-examining Dorothea Dix and 19th-Century Disability Reform
- Online workshop is a partnership between the Massachusetts Historical Society, Emerging America, and the Disability History Museum.
- October 23, 9am to 3pm; plus November 3 discussion 4-5pm
- Available for 22.5 PDPs or optional 1 graduate credit from Westfield State University.
- Register with MHS for Dix workshop.
Accessing Inquiry for English Learners through Primary Sources
- Teachers in History, Civics, Social Science, ELA, & ESL gain strategies and tools to support in-depth, inquiry-based learning. Meets 15-hour Massachusetts teacher licensure renewal requirement on teaching ELs.
- October 29 to December 10. Online.
- Alison Noyes, Emerging America.
- Available for 22.5 PDPs or optional 1 graduate credit from Westfield State University.
- Register for Accessing Inquiry for ELs.
Introduction to Elementary Inquiry Using History’s Mysteries
- Become familiar with History’s Mysteries and ask questions of its authors in preparation for teaching the curriculum.
- November 3, or February 9, or May 18, 7-8:30 pm Eastern. Online.
- Register for History’s Mysteries Intro.
Emerging America: Immigration Issues in Perspective for Diverse Students
- Harness current events to deepen understanding of immigration across American history, from the founding of the nation through today. Focus on access strategies.
- Alison Noyes, Emerging America.
- January 12 to March 2. Online. With three live webinars.
- Register for Immigration Issues.
America and World Fascism - From the Spanish Civil War to Nuremberg and Beyond:
- Study extremism and resistance to it across the 20th century to today. Explore strategies to teach difficult and controversial subjects.
- Led by Peter Carroll, Stanford University; Sebastiaan Faber, Oberlin College; and Rich Cairn, Emerging America.
- Earn 22.5 PDPs (MA), 15 hours (other states), or 1 grad credit in History from Westfield State University.
- March 3 - April 15. Online. With four live webinars.
- Register for America and World Fascism course.
Make Your Civic Engagement Inclusive
- Design civic engagement projects and civics education that are fully inclusive, especially of students with disabilities and English Learners.
- Led by Rich Cairn, Emerging America.
- Earn 10 PDPs with submission of an inclusive civic engagement plan.
- March 3. Online.
- Register for Inclusive Civic Engagement.
Teaching World Geography and Ancient Civilizations
- Gain practical training in the geographic and historical content and inquiry-based strategies and resources for instruction to address Social Science Standards. Focus on regions of the world that have been underrepresented in K-12 classrooms.
- Led by Nicholas Aieta, Westfield State University, and Rich Cairn, Emerging America
- Earn 22.5 PDPs (MA), 15 hours (other states), or optional 1 grad credit in History from Westfield State University.
- April 19 - May 24. Online. With two live webinars. Register for Teaching World Geography and Ancient Civilizations.
Presentations and Recordings from Emerging America
See complete list of short webinars, poster presentations, and more
- Meaningfully Engaging Students with Disabilities - Plan and implement civics projects that are meaningful and accessible. Sponsored by Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
- December 1, 3-4 pm
- Rich Cairn, Emerging America; iCivics; and experienced teachers.
- Register for Engaging Students with Disabilities webinar.
- Teaching Disability History: From Reform to Equal Rights
- December 8, 4:00pm - part of Mass Council for the Social Studies fall online conference. Info on Teaching Disability History workshop.
- NEW Recording: Immigrant Storytelling in the American Narrative - From September 22, 2021, Panel discussion for the Festival Near You programming of the Library of Congress National Book Festival, sponsored by Emerging America and the Immigrant Learning Center. Link to the Webinar Recording. Link to resources on immigration primary sources and events connected to immigration history and stories.
- Free to Use and Reuse: Disability Awareness. Link to LoC primary source set.
- September/October Library of Congress Magazine - “Collecting the Globe,” including “Preserving Asian Cultures”. Download the LoC magazine.
TPS Teachers Network - Teachers with interest in working with primary sources are welcome to join this network. Featured this week - (log in to see DISCUSSIONS; no log-in needed for ALBUMS):
- DISCUSSION with SOURCE SET: Temperance Movement
- DISCUSSION: Veterans History Project
You may link directly to these resources.
Library of Congress Teacher Blog http://blogs.loc.gov/teachers/
- Encouraging Students to Consider How News of the Constitution First Spread
- Banned Books Week: Invisible Man
- Finding Local History Connections at the Library of Congress
- Five Questions with Lesley Anderson, 2021-2022 Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow Teaching at the Library of Congress
- Evaluating Primary Sources: Is Seeing Believing?
- New Primary Source Set and Teachers Guide on Charts and Graphs
- A Century of Lawmaking, Congress.gov and Constitution Day: Three Great Resources that Work Well Together
- The National Book Festival: A Festival for Teachers, Students, and Families
- New Teacher Resources for a New School Year
- Disability and the American Past - Series of events by the Massachusetts Historical Society - Link to info on the Disability History series. Co-sponsored by Emerging America. All times are Eastern.
- October 13, 5:30-6:30pm - Disability and the History of Medicine
- October 16, 1:00-2:30pm - Her Socialist Smile: a Film Screening
- October 18, 5:30-6:30pm - Disability in Early America
- October 19, 5:15-6:30pm - Black Women and the Education of Students of Color with Disabilities in the New South
- October 23, 9:00am to 3:00pm - Re-examining Dorothea Dix and 19th Century Disability Reform - Teacher Workshop with Emerging America.
- October 27, 5:30-6:30pm - Disability Activism: A Historical Perspective from Some of the Learning Activists in Massachusetts
- October 28, 5:15-6:30pm - “The Virus of Slavery and Injustice”: Analogy and Disabled Life in African American Writings, 1856-1892
- The Curb-cut Effect and Championing Equity - Link to article by Learning for Justice.
- October 13-28 - Online Mass Council for the Social Studies Fall Conference - Register for MCSS conference.
- October 17, 1-2 pm - online - National Day on Writing - Springfield Armory National Historic Site and Western Mass Writing Project - Writing Day Info.
- October 20, 7pm - Women Travelers in Early Modern Japan, presenter: Dr. Laura Nenzi. Five College Center for East Asian Studies. Info on the Japan workshop.
- October 20, 6:00-7:30pm - Our Changing Electorate - JFK Library - Link to Electorate panel info.
- October 21, November 4 & 18, December 2 - 4-6 pm - From Industrial Revolution to Modern Innovation - Online - Springfield Armory National Historic Site - Springfield Armory PD Info.
- October 21, 7pm - “The Indians’ New World” Revisited by author James H. Merrill. American Antiquarian Society. Info on The Indians” webinar.
- October 22, 6:30pm - webinar - Rick Atkinson lecture on the Revolutionary War for the American Revolution Institute. Info on Revolution lecture.
- October 23 - The Case Method Institute - Harvard’s David Moss and the National Humanities Center. Info about The Case Method.
- October 27, 6:00-7:30pm - Our Own Worst Enemy: The Assault from Within on Modern Democracy - JFK Library. Link to Democracy panel.
- October 28, 7:00pm - Choices U.S. History Units and the Teaching Hard History American Slavery Framework - National Council for History Education. Link to NCHE Choices webinar.
- November 1, 6:00-7:30pm - King Richard: Nixon and Watergate - An American Tragedy. Link to Nixon panel.
- November 3, 7:30pm - Strong Links, Corrupt Lines: How American Railroads Reshaped the Landscape of the West and the Politics of the East - National Center for History Education. Link to Railroads webinar.
- November 4, 4:30pm - Why Culturally Responsive Teaching Matters in the Social Studies - inquirED. Info on inquirED webinar.
- November 18, 3:00-4:30pm - Redlining Maps and their Legacy - Leventhal Map Center, Boston Public Library. Info on the Redlining webinar.
- January 13, 3:00-4:30pm - Critical Map Reading & Media Literacy - Leventhal Map Center, Boston Public Library. Info on maps and media literacy webinar.
- March 17-20, 2022 National Council for History Education Conference moves online. Info on the NCHE conference.
- The QFT: An Equitable and Authentic Approach to Teaching and Learning - video focused on teaching English Learners (13:48 minutes) - Right Question Instiute. Link to the video.
- Language Access: More than Translation - Learning for Justice. Link to article on language access.
- Teaching Resources on Latinx History, Art, and Culture - Facing History. Link to blog on Latinix resources.
- Curricular Materials Guide: Grade 8 Civics - Mass Department of Elementary & Secondary Education - Info on Civics curriculum.
- Bill of Rights in Action online magazine, including feature on the Early Gay Rights Movement. Download the Bill of Rights in Action.
- Decolonizing the Curriculum - D.C. Area Educators for Social Justice. Link to Decolonizing resources.
- Racial Slavery in the Americas: Resistance, Freedom, and Legacies - Choices Program, Brown University. Link to the Choices curriculum.
- CITIZEN: 117th Congress Edition - New board game simulation. Info on game pre-sale.
- The Declaration of Independence and the Origins of Self-Determination in the Modern World - History Now - Gilder Lehrman Institute. Access History Now: The Journal.
- The Yorktown Campaign of 1781 - George Washington’s Mt Vernon. Info on Yorktown.
English Learner Collaborations project to Teach the Language of Social Studies
By Alison Noyes
All students should be able to learn about social studies and civics using engaging primary sources, whether those students have limited English or not. And all teachers should have great examples that show them how to use English Proficiency information to construct activities that help students fully participate and strengthen academic English language skills.
How does the teacher choose what to provide to support students? What can pave the way for success?
EmergingAmerica.org History eNews welcomes YOUR news & events.
Published monthly on Wednesdays; next issue of History eNews is November 10. Submit items to rcairn@collaborative.org by November 3. Archived at http://EmergingAmerica.org/blog.
- Reply to rcairn@collaborative.org to be removed from this list.
Register for CES events.
Teacher-created lessons, primary source sets, & assessments at: http://EmergingAmerica.org.
Follow Emerging America on Twitter and Facebook.
Content created and featured in partnership with the TPS program does not indicate an endorsement by the Library of Congress.