Emerging America's lesson plan template features a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) grid borrowed from Social Studies & Exceptional Learners (see below). It is designed to support teaching of Social Studies. Three columns call for strategies that support the UDL instructional framework (see description in Accessing Inquiry clearinghouse).
Checklist items suggest tools and activities that could effectively support each element. Brief descriptions below explain how the teacher will apply checked items.
The fourth column addresses strengths and/or concerns of particular students that might arise due to the content under study. For example, discussion of injured veterans might trigger sadness or worries for children of soldiers. Yet these same students may be able to share experiences and insights that will enrich everyone's learning. The description explains how the teacher will address such issues. Culturally Relevant Pedagogy offers further rationale and strategies.
Note that Emerging America uses a common "backwards design" approach to lesson planning. Begin with learning objectives (aligned to state and/or national standards). Choose an assessment that requires students to demonstrate that they learned the objectives. Then identify the primary sources and secondary sources that support learning the objective. Describe what the teacher will do and what students will do.
- DOWNLOAD: 2020 CES-TPS Access Lesson TEMPLATE.pdf
- For a guided introduction to planning with Universal Design for Learning, DOWNLOAD the Understood.org step-by-step UDL lesson planning template.
- Minarik, D., & Lintner, T. (2016). Social studies & exceptional learners (115th ed., NCSS Bulletin). Silver Spring, MD: National Council for the Social Studies. Click here to order.