A new lesson, appropriate for 8th grade civics and adaptable for other grades, asks: What impact did the Magna Carta have on the U.S. Constitution and the shaping of the 14th Amendment? With a particular emphasis placed on the due process of law, students analyze and organize primary source documents ranging from a British Court of Common Pleas from 1610 to Chief Justice Warren’s notes on Miranda v. Arizona in 1966. After looking at the history of due process, students consider a contemporary case in which police use of a robot to kill a man after a standoff is challenged. Students will learn through inquiry and recognize that historical events do not exist in a vacuum, but rather have long term and profound repercussions. Download lesson PDF, or browse the Emerging America teacher Resource Library. Image is from the Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/magna-carta-muse-and-mentor/magna-carta-in…, stamp 4. Magna Carta U.S. Postage Stamps, first day covers and flyer, June 15, 1965.
Published on Sun, 11/25/2018
