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Developing the Civic Engagement of Students with Disabilities: Inclusive Civic Action Projects

Published on Sun, 07/07/2024

Leah M. Bueso, University of Illinois Springfield, and Rich Cairn, Emerging America published a groundbreaking foundation and guide to organizing student-led civic engagement projects that are fully accessible to and inclusive of students with disabilities and all learners.

Reform to Equal Rights - Disability History Curriculum

The Reform to Equal Rights: K-12 Disability History Curriculum includes 250 primary sources in 23 lessons in seven units. Inclusive lessons feature Universal Design for Learning strategies and exemplary assessments. Lesson content facilitates integration into many regular K-12 topics. Skill and language development addresses C-3 History and Social Science frameworks as well as Educating for American Democracy Roadmap themes. Developed with Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources grant with additional support from Mass Humanities. 

Framework for Inclusion: Physical, Pedagogical, and Narrative Accessibility

Published on Mon, 12/11/2023

A Comprehensive Approach to Full Inclusion

Effective implementation for all learners, especially the 7.5 million Special Education students in the United States, requires careful consideration of accessibility. In particular, educators must pay attention to critical accessibility principles:

Teaching with Integrity in Challenging Times

Published on Sat, 04/15/2023

High quality social studies education is an essential tool to maintain and advance American democracy. American history teachers follow rigorous professional standards because they understand this enormous responsibility. The organizations and principles below aim to support teacher in the challenging environment that many of them face across the United States today. 

Resources for Education During a Pandemic - an annotated compendium of links

This teaching resource is a blog post that receives periodic updates. Its introduction reads, in part: 

On this page, we feature resources for teachers of History, Social Studies, and Civics who are designing curriculum in the context of the pandemic, both for students who may be learning from home, and for students navigating a changing environment no matter where teaching and learning happens. 

Among these resources are many that provide guidance for increasing the accessibility of digital teaching resources.

“Why didn’t they teach me this?” Preliminary Report on the Teaching of Disability History

Published on Mon, 09/12/2022

By Rich Cairn, Emerging America

At the end of the 2021-2022 school year, Emerging America widely promoted an online survey of teachers to discover how much U.S. students are taught Disability History. Though the response was small, the results offer intriguing insights. The survey will repeat in 2023 and 2024. 

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