Keep at hand all seven items in the Emerging America Lesson Design Toolkit to support strong lesson plan development. You will also need copies of applicable academic standards and, of course, your text set, and any other support materials for the lesson. Refer to each tool to broaden choices for you and for students. The tools help make precise and clear the language in lesson objectives, instructions for assignments, rubrics, graphic organizers, and other handouts.
Lesson Template
- Download: Emerging America Lesson Template - Developed through decades of teaching, curriculum design, and professional development.
- Download: TPS Uses of Primary Sources - From the Library of Congress suggests ways to deploy primary sources to start, advance, and wrap up lessons.
Guiding Questions
- Download: Good Historical Inquiry Questions - Helps ensure that guiding questions are sufficiently interesting and challenging. Also provides a test as to whether the question functions well with available primary and secondary sources. Students as well as teachers may learn to use these guidelines to refine investigation questions.
Focus Vocabulary
- Download: High Mileage Academic Vocabulary List - Targets the academic terms that students must master to do well in any academic discipline. Ideally, a district would agree on which terms to ensure are taught in which grades and courses. Pairs well with the "Bricks" and "Mortar" vocabulary focus grid in the Emerging America Lesson Template. Identify the terms that students must master if they are to complete the tasks in the lesson.
- Download: List of Assessments–Chicago Grassroots Curriculum - Expands thinking about options for student expression.
- Download: Revised Blooms Handout-3 suggests precise verbs to construct assessment tasks on the most pertinent skills–beyond the base level, "identify," "know," or "understand" that populate too many lessons.
- CAST-UDL Guidelines pair well with the UDL+ Grid in the Lesson Template.
Accessible Curriculum
Find an example of inquiry-based curriculum: Reform to Equal Rights: K-12 Disability History Curriculum.
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Teaching Strategies