Wendy Harris, a teacher at Metro Deaf School in St. Paul, Minnesota and coach for Emerging America, ably describes how to apply the the Zoom-In Inquiry strategy developed by Metropolitan State University as part of the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Partnership Program in a post on the Library's Teachers page.
"Divide the image into four vertical segments (one for each person seated in the image). First cover up the left 3/4 of the image, showing only the person on the right. Ask students to analyze this part of the image, using the Observe, Reflect, Question framework as a guide. Gradually reveal one vertical segment at a time, expanding the part visible from right to left, and ask students to revise their reflections and questions based on this new information.
"Deepen discussion by asking:
- How can clothing choices enhance a person’s message?
- What causes would inspire you to participate in a protest?
- Who might the intended audience for this photo be?
- Why might Horydczak [the photographer] have decided to document this scene?"
For more about this photograph of World War I veterans, taken by Theodor Horydczak, himself a WWI veteran, and for additional teaching ideas, read the full post, "Photography as a Window into Historic Protests", October 15, 2020 by Wendy Harris.