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Emerging America logo against vista of sky, river, distant mountains.
Date: Aug 17 2023
A young woman holds a sign that reads Disability Pride Month; she wears a t-shirt reading Easter Seals Thrive. And a photo of Judy Heumann includes the quotation: "Disability only becomes a tragedy when society fails to provide the things we need to live our lives." There is also a Disability Pride flag, explained in the article. 
Date: Aug 11 2023
Celebrating A Natural and Beautiful Part of Human Diversity Guest post by Stephanie Polito

July marks the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the landmark legislation passed on July 26, 1990, that broke down barriers to inclusion in society. Disability Pride Month was first celebrated that same year, taking place in Boston, Massachusetts in the US. Celebrations follow, with th…

A photograph of President George H.W. Bush signing the Americans with Disabilities Act into law. He is seated at a table outside, there is a fountain in the background. Four other people surround the table, three men and one woman, two men are using wheelchairs. Justin Dart sits to the president's left, wearing his trademark cowboy hat, a suit, and a button that supports the ADA on his lapel.
Date: Aug 1 2023
Reform to Equal Rights is the first ever K-12 Disability History Curriculum. The curriculum supports history and civics teachers in all settings. Lessons can stand on their own. Or teachers can integrate selections from the 200+ primary sources, and/or accessible activities, into what they already teach on topics such as impacts of wars, immigration, social movements, and changing roles of governm…
children holding name cards with Chinese and Americanized names pose with teacher
Date: Jul 31 2023

Accessing Inquiry for English Learners through Primary Sources will be offered at the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) in Northampton, Massachusetts in a two-session format, meeting Thursdays a month apart, October 19 and November 16. 

Multilingual learners can benefit from primary source activities, and all students can find compelling questions in the history of immigrants…

Two young Black women in white hats and long dresses sit in an open carriage with flower-decorated wheels drawn by a white horse in front of a brick building
Date: Jun 17 2023

First posted to the TPS Teachers Network by Laurie Risler, and published as an Emerging America blog post on February 5, 2021 with the title, Using History's Mysteries to Teach African American History (guest post).

Update: in 2022, iCivics incorporated Laurie Risler and Kelley Brown's groundbreaking elementary inquiry curriculum into their array of teaching resources under the name Pri…

Emerging America logo against vista of sky, river, distant mountains.
Date: May 19 2023
EMERGING AMERICA HISTORY eNEWS Vol. 10, Issue 5 for May 19, 2023 In this Issue Events @ Emerging America  News New at the Library of Congress Professional Development Events Other Resources [if applicable] Blog post preview: Whose stories?
silhouetted hands make a T "time out" symbol above the words, "We need to hear and discuss offensive words that appear in primary sources."
Date: Apr 27 2023

Every unit of the Reform to Equal Rights: K-12 Disability History Curriculum includes an introduction to the topic of disability, including strategies to address disrespectful vocabulary. 

There are many words about disability that are offensive in today's usage but that are unavoidable in primary sources–even current sources. (Think for example of the term, "dumb," which once meant n…

Emerging America logo against vista of sky, river, distant mountains.
Date: Apr 20 2023
Katharina Matro, a high school social studies teacher who grew up in Germany, explains how consistent and open education about the Holocaust has shaped her own commitment to democracy and her love of country.  American Historical Association..
Date: Apr 15 2023

High quality social studies education is an essential tool to maintain and advance American democracy. American history teachers follow rigorous professional standards because they understand this enormous responsibility. The organizations and principles below aim to support teacher in the challenging environment that many of them face across the United States today. 

A powerful and ri…

Kelley Brown and Laurie Risler stand between posters 'Reimagining Civic Education for American Democracy' and 'Private i History Detectives'
Date: Apr 12 2023

When the Founding generation talked about the pursuit of happiness they had specific ideas in mind– a tranquility or contentment–the ability to look back on one’s life and feel satisfied with one’s decisions and behavior. To that generation, living a virtuous life was key to human happiness.

Kelley Brown, The Pursuit of Happiness: 

The upcoming Emergin…

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