Students gain knowledge and skills in civics and history when schools provide effective instruction and when students have opportunities to express their voice and to engage in activities like service-learning. Yet American education is falling far short–in elementary grades in particular–and especially for students with disabilities.
Updated August 19 with addition of Fall History's Mysteries Institute (begins October 4) and course name correction for Accessing Inquiry for English Learners (begins October 29).
IN THIS ISSUE News Events @ Emerging America New at the Library of Congress Professional Development Events Other Resources Emerging America Blog post
“Teaching civics is vital to ensuring that our democracy in America survives and to ensuring that students see themselves as having a role and a voice in our…
A featured primary source set at the Library of Congress, Puertorriqueños de Estados Unidos: Identity, Arts, and Culture (June 11, 2021 by Stephanie Hall), and the feature from the Library's PALABRA Archive Online Feature, "On Language and Colony: A Linguistic Trajectory of Puerto Rico's Identity as the World’s Oldest Colony" both complement a source set created by Emerging America in 2016 wi…